Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How to Use Mulberry for Weight Loss 


Mulberries contain healthy nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that may benefit your weight loss program. A nutrient-dense food, mulberries contain healthy fiber, carbohydrates and protein to fuel your body. In addition, mulberries contain resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant that may have anti-aging and weight loss effects. Follow a few simple steps to add mulberries to your diet program and lose weight fast.

Step 1

Decrease your caloric intake. Simply put, eat less. Losing 1 lb. of fat requires a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories. By decreasing caloric intake by 500 calories per day, healthy weight-loss can be achieved. Adding a nutrient-dense food like mulberries to your diet may help to suppress hunger and burn more calories.

Step 2

Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day, spaced two to three hours apart, says “The Abs Diet.” Think of this meal plan as three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), with two or three snacks between them. For a healthy mid-meal snack, have a handful of dried mulberries, 6 oz. of yogurt, and a handful of almonds or other unsalted nuts.

Step 3

Eat 30 percent of your daily calories from protein, 30 percent from healthy fats and 40 percent from low-glycemic carbohydrates. According to Mackie Shilstone, author of "The Fat Burning Bible," this is the best ratio of macro-nutrients for burning fat. Add mulberries to meals for its nutrient-dense, antioxidant properties. Mulberries may improve fat-burning and keep blood sugar low to decrease fat storage when eaten with meals.

Step 4

Choose a workout program that includes both resistance training and cardiovascular exercise. Try 30 minutes of each three times per week. Try eating a serving of mulberries before and after working out. Before training, they can give you energy to burn more calories. After exercising, mulberries can help to eliminate free radicals produced by metabolism and/or cellular respiration. "The Fat Burning Bible," as well as "The Abs Diet" offer simple programs for novice trainees (see References).

Step 5

Eat one "cheat meal" per week to keep your metabolism going strong. According to “Combat the Fat” by Jeff Anderson, indulging your cravings once a week will actually improve your weight-loss efforts. Try adding mulberries to desserts for a delicious and healthy cheat.
A new study suggests mulberries could be key to new treatments for obesity, after finding a natural compound in the fruit activates brown fat, boosting metabolism and aiding weight loss.
[A bowl of mulberries]
Rutin - a natural compound in mulberries - could help treat obesity, new research finds.
Mulberries are the hanging fruit from deciduous trees that belong to the Moraceae family.
Sweet in taste, mulberries are believed to have a wealth of health benefits, including reduced cholesterol, improved blood sugar levels, and lower risk of cancer.
Now, researchers from China suggest that rutin - a compound naturally present in mulberries - might also help treat obesity.
Obesity has become a significant health concern in the United States; more than 1 in 3 adults and and 1 in 6 children and adolescents are obese, putting them at greater risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.
While lifestyle changes - such as adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity - are considered primary strategies for the treatment of obesity, such changes may not be enough for some individuals, highlighting the need for alternative treatment methods.
Study co-author Wan-Zhu Jin, Ph.D., of the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and team set out to investigate the metabolic effects of rutin, with the aim of determining whether the compound might aid weight loss.

Rutin acts as a 'cold mimetic' to activate brown fat

For their study - published in The FASEB Journal - the team added rutin (1 milligram per milliliter) to the drinking water of two groups of mice.
One group of mice was genetically obese, while the other group had diet-induced obesity. Both groups of mice were fed a regular diet throughout the duration of the study.
In both groups of mice, rutin was found to activate brown adipose tissue (BAT), or brown fat, which led to increased energy expenditure, better glucose homeostasis - the balance of insulin and glucagon to maintain glucose levels - and fat reduction.
Brown fat is activated by cold, causing it to burn energy and produce heat. According to the researchers, rutin acts as a "cold mimetic" by activating a specific signaling cascade, which increases the activity of a gene called UCP1 and the number of mitochondria in brown fat.
Additionally, the team found that rutin triggered the formation of brown-like fat cells in subcutaneous adipose tissue - the fat located under the skin - in both mouse models of obesity.
Based on their results, Jin and colleagues believe rutin may offer a novel treatment approach to obesity and other conditions associated with excess weight.
"The beneficial effects of rutin on BAT-mediated metabolic improvement have evoked a substantial interest in the potential treatment for obesity and its related diseases, such as diabetes.
In line with this idea, discovery of more safe and effective BAT activators is desired to deal with obesity and its related diseases."
Wan-Zhu Jin, Ph.D.
Read about a study that has uncovered a mechanism for fat formation.
 Exciting new research has linked mulberry extract to weight loss. What exactly is mulberry extract? How does it help you lose weight? Where do you buy it? Find out today in our guide.

What is Mulberry Extract?

Mulberries are a unique type of hanging fruit that grow on deciduous trees in the Moraceae family. The berries are sweet in flavor – but new research has shown that they’re also sweet in health benefits.
Mulberries have recently been linked to a wide range of health benefits, including reduced cholesterol, improved blood sugar levels, and a reduced risk of cancer.
This research was fueled by a recent study on mice, showing that mulberries can reduce the risk of obesity among genetically obese mice and mice with diet-induced obesity.

How Does Mulberry Extract Lead to Weight Loss?

The secret power behind mulberry extract appears to be the flavonoid rutin, which is also found in orange rinds, grapefruit rinds, and cranberries.
This flavonoid appears to activate brown adipose tissue (BAT), which is the fatty tissue that regulates energy metabolism.

New Mulberry Study Links Extract to Weight Loss

Why is mulberry extract suddenly making headlines? It’s because researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China recently identified rutin as a “novel small molecule” that could offer a natural treatment for weight loss and metabolic syndrome.
Researchers specifically looked at the effect mulberry extract had on metabolic syndrome, which is defined as an underlying bodily malfunction in energy utilization and storage. Today, doctors use the term “metabolic syndrome” to refer to medical conditions like high blood pressure, high glucose, and high cholesterol levels.
Prior to the latest Chinese study, rutin had demonstrated potential for interfering with the formation of blood clots in animal models. After that research came out, people began buying rutin as a nutritional supplement.
Unfortunately, rutin was never able to back up its effectiveness with major human studies. In 2010, a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) panel declared there was insufficient evidence supporting any major health benefits of rutin.
That’s why this latest Chinese study is a big deal.
In this latest study, researchers added rutin to two groups of mice, including genetically obese mice and mice that were obese due to their diet. These mice received a dose of 1 mg/ml of rutin.
Researchers discovered that adding rutin to both groups of mice “significantly reduced body weight, and increased energy expenditure.”
Researchers observed that rutin “played a role in rebalancing the levels of insulin and glucagon to maintain glucose levels.”
Based on this information, researchers determined that rutin activated brown adipose tissue, also known as brown fat. This led to increased energy expenditure and better blood glucose regulation. As a result, rutin as a “cold mimetic”, which means it activates a series of signaling pathways in order to increase the number of energy producing mitochondria in brown fat.
The results of the research were published in the latest edition of The FASEB Journal. You can read the full study here.

What Does this Mean for your Weight Loss?

Ultimately, this latest research is significant because it shows that rutin does have some legitimate weight loss effects – at least in mice.
Of course, there haven’t been many major human studies on rutin that have demonstrated the same effects.
That hasn’t stopped diet pill manufacturers from capitalizing on other trends. Garcinia cambogia, for example, is a popular diet pill extract that has demonstrated powerful effectiveness in mice studies – but has rarely seen those effects carry over in human trials.

How to Buy Mulberry Extract

Mulberry extract has been used as a weight loss treatment for years. That’s fortunate for you, because it means a number of mulberry extract supplements have already been released onto the market.
A quick search for mulberry extract supplements online reveals several popular options ranging in price from $10 to $50 for a one month supply.
Typically, mulberry extract supplements contain ingredients like white mulberry leaf powder extract at a concentration of 4:1. Doses range from 100mg to 500mg per capsule.
Based on research available today, these dose seem low. Some studies recommend taking doses as high as 100mg to 500mg per kg of bodyweight to achieve any active effects. If you do take mulberry extract supplements, don’t expect them to work immediately overnight. It’s the type of supplement you take to support your overall bodily health – not to treat a specific condition.

Should You Take Mulberry Extract for Weight Loss?

The weight loss effects of mulberry extract are not known for sure. Some studies have indicated powerful weight loss results, while other studies have shown a limited connection to weight loss.
This latest study from Chinese researchers doesn’t change what we know about mulberry extract: for whatever reason, the extract seems to work particularly well in studies on mice. Some people believe this translates to weight loss results in humans – although we don’t know for sure if that’s true.
Fortunately, weight loss isn’t the only reason to take mulberry extract. Other research has linked mulberry extract to a reduced risk of cancer and other diseases. It’s a flavonoid and antioxidant. It’s also surprisingly affordable, with mulberry extract supplements priced for between $10 and $30 online.
If you’re interested in the health benefits of mulberry extract – including the weight loss benefits – then consider buying a mulberry extract supplement online today.

I don’t normally read the freebie newspapers in Toronto as their content is the journalistic equivalent of the lead in the Toronto water supply: both slowly sap your intellect away.
But I ride public transit and those papers are littered everywhere, rolling around the TTC. So against my better judgment I picked up the paper on May 20,  skipped past the article from the “holistic nutritionist” (a topic for another day) and stumbled across this advertisement:

“The Man Who Made the Whole Town Lose Weight”

Impressive headline.  Reading further it turns out that “Johnny Petterson”, a local health food store owner in Alesund, Norway, had started selling mulberry leaf tablets to his customers, and they lost weight – after only 10 days.  According to the advertising copy, Johnny has helped over 1500 customers lose weight. Apparently this product is for sale at major pharmacies in Canada. So it’s time to do a bit of digging into this scientific breakthrough unearthed by a health food store owner.
Here’s excerpts from the ad (here is a similar PDF) – and my comments.
“When blood sugar is stable, sugar cravings disappear” – This statement is contradicted by the American Heart Association, which summarizes the evidence as, “We don’t really know enough about all the factors that cause specific food cravings.”
“I studied the effects of mulberries on blood sugar, insulin and fat burning” – There is one very small trial that evaluated mulberry leaf extract on blood sugar levels and observed that it reduced the initial increase in blood sugar after eating sugar. There is one unblinded evaluation of an ingredient extracted from mulberry leaves (1-deoxynojirimycin)  that suggests it may slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal. But there is no data to demonstrate that mulberry has any influence on “fat burning” or, most importantly, weight. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, the most credible and evidence-based summary of information on “natural” products, has almost no information on this item – because no evidence has been published that meets its strict quality requirements.
“Mulberry leaves lead to lower insulin secretion, which makes you able to burn stored fat better and also reduce fat storage from excess calories” –  The very preliminary evidence that exists does suggest that mulberry leaves may have some sort of biological effect. The active ingredient may be the chemical 1-deoxynojirimycin, which appears to be an alphi (α)-glucosidase inhibitor. It may act to blunt the spike in blood sugar after a meal, by interfering with carbohydrate absorption.  The prescription diabetes drug acarbose (Prandase/Glucobay) is also an α-glucosidase inhibitor, so this ingredient from mulberry may have a similar effect.
The terms “burn stored fat better” is clinically meaningless. There is no evidence that mulberry reduces fat storage.
“Taking mulberry leaves, my customers changed to a healthier diet without even noticing it” – Wait, didn’t he just say that the mulberry affects insulin secretion? How did diet come into the picture? If it’s affecting insulin levels, why is the diet changing? Based on the very preliminary research with mulberry leaves, all we can propose is that mulberry leaves might affect how quickly sugars are absorbed. There is no evidence that this will have any impact on dietary choices. Further, this has not been observed with prescription drugs with the same action.
“We now know from clinical studies how mulberry leaves regulate blood sugar levels.” Ummm, no we don’t. Where’s the randomized clinical trials in human subjects that demonstrate this product is safe and effective?
The website makes even more questionable claims:
“You will experience that you ar no longer as tempted by foods and especially sugar. You will more easily stay on a healthy diet. Gradually you will lose weight (especially abdominal) and any retained water.” Again, there is absolutely no published evidence that the product will do this. No references are provided.
“Mulberry leaves contain phytosterols, which are cholesterol-lowering agents. While most studies have been done on mulberry’s effect on blood sugar, the studies found that serum cholesterol levels  also dropped by about 12% on average.” Yet again, there is no persuasive evidence to demonstrate this is the case.  Another unsubstantiated, unreferenced claim.
“Mulberry is safe and natural. But do not use mulberry during pregnancy or when breastfeeding” There is zero published evidence that demonstrates short-term or long-term mulberry leaf consumption is safe. No research has been conducted to determine what its side effects are. Based on the very preliminary evidence noted above, mulberry could potentially be dangerous if consumed by diabetics. Most importantly, studies have been done with mulberry leaves, or isolated ingredients. There is no published information or research with Mulberry zuccarin to demonstrate that it has the same effects.

Bottom Line

This is an interesting product. Mulberry leaves do seem to have some sort of biological activity and may contain chemicals that could be useful in the treatment of diabetes. But to claim that this product is a diabetes treatment is premature. Not enough information is known about the risk, benefits, or even what an appropriate dose might be. Moreover, if it actually works, this supplement could put diabetics at risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).  So instead, the product is marketed as a weight loss support supplement – a completely unsubstantiated claim. There is no published to demonstrate that mulberry will help with short-term or long-term weight loss.
If  Mulberry Zuccarin was considered a drug product, there is zero likelihood it would be currently permitted for sale in Canada, the US, or any other jurisdiction.  Why? Because with drugs, conclusive evidence of efficacy and safety is required before sale is allowed.  But call it a natural health product, and all the barrier to sale disappear. It seems any manufacturer can take a unevaluated product, make unsubstantiated health claims, provide no  direct evidence of safety or efficacy, and yet secure shelf space in pharmacies.  As for Canadians,  Heath Canada’s Natural Health Products Directorate is missing in action (again) – failing to regulate health products, and failing to protect the health and safety of Canadians.
This product is available at all major Canadian pharmacies:  Shoppers Drug Mart, Rexall, Pharmaplus, Loblaws, and more. It’s a discouraging example of what appears to be an “anything for a buck” mentality we’re seeing more and more of when it comes to products for sale “in front of the counter”.
If you care about your health, and want evidence of efficacy and safety before you take a supplement for weight loss or diabetes, stay away from Mulberry Zuccarin.

White mulberry is an herb. The powdered leaves are most commonly used for medicine. The fruit can be used for food, either raw or cooked.

White mulberry is often tried in order to help treat diabetes. It is also tried for treating high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, the common cold and its symptoms, muscle and joint pain such as from arthritis, constipation, dizziness, ringing in the ears, hair loss, and premature graying.

White mulberry is native to China and is the food of silkworms. It was introduced into the United States in colonial times, during an attempt to establish a silk industry. The wood is very flexible and durable and has been used to make tennis rackets, hockey sticks, furniture, and boats.

How does it work?

There are some chemicals in white mulberry that work in a similar way to some medicines used for type 2 diabetes. They slow the breakdown of sugars in the gut so that they are absorbed more slowly into the blood. This helps the body keep blood sugar levels in the desirable range.
WHITE MULBERRY Uses & Effectiveness What is this?

Possibly Effective for:

Insufficient Evidence for:

  • High blood cholesterol. In a small study of people with type 2 diabetes, white mulberry leaf, 1 gram taken 3 times daily for 4 weeks, reduced total cholesterol by 12%, and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 23%, and increased HDL (“good”) cholesterol by 18%.
  • Common cold.
  • Cough.
  • Sore throat.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Asthma.
  • Constipation.
  • Dizziness and ringing in the ears.
  • Hair loss and premature graying.
  • Other conditions.
More evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of white mulberry for these uses.
WHITE MULBERRY Side Effects & Safety
White mulberry is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when the powdered leaf is taken by mouth for up to 5 weeks. Side effects have not been reported in studies; however, not very many studies have been done.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of white mulberry during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Diabetes: White mulberry might lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use white mulberry.
WHITE MULBERRY Interactions What is this?
We currently have no information for WHITE MULBERRY Interactions

The following doses have been studied in scientific research:

  • For diabetes: 1 gram of the powdered leaf taken three times daily.
  • For high cholesterol levels: 1 gram of the powdered leaf taken three times daily.
Mulberries, if included in your diet, can yield a lot of benefits; specifically, weight loss and anti-aging effects. Antioxidants, resveratrol, fiber, and protein – these are but a few of the healthful nutrients that mulberries can provide. Furthermore, its efficacy on losing weight applies in many different ways, which will be explained later on.

Suppresses Appetite

Due to its fiber content, mulberries are natural appetite suppressants. Also, it has good carbohydrates that the body burns slowly that will make you feel full longer than usual. This is one of the ideal foods to eat to incur calorie deficit; wherein, you’ll need one about 500-calories worth on a daily basis to lose one pound a week.

Easy to Eat

It’s simple to include mulberries in your diet, because it’s easy to eat. Experts say that having six meals per day is ideal for losing weight efficiently and quickly. Mulberries are the perfect fruit to eat as a snack after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Also, it is recommended to eat it along with unsalted nuts and 6oz. of yogurt. Not to mention that it can lower blood sugar and reduce the amount of fat the body absorbs when eaten after every meal.
Furthermore, it can be easily included in a “cheat meal” as a topping for desserts. According to experts, when you allow yourself to loosen up and have a “cheat meal,” you’ll increase metabolism and promote overall weight-loss success.
Moreover, it doesn’t exactly have to be on a sweet dessert, as it can also be included on cereals, which will further increase the amount of fiber you’d consume.

Perfect Pre-workout and Post-workout Snack

When you eat mulberries before workouts, you can have enough energy to do your routine properly, which helps you burn more calories easily.
And when you eat them after workouts, they will eliminate the free radicals caused by cellular respiration and metabolism, which will leave you healthier than without it.
Also, it will provide you with enough energy for the rest of the day because of its resveratrol content that improves the muscles absorption rate of glucose from food. Remember to choose workouts that include cardiovascular exercises and resistance training.

Macro-nutrients Ratio

Your daily requirements of calories should be acquired from 40% from low-glycemic carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and 30% from healthy fats, as this is believed to be the best percentage of macro-nutrients to aid in weight loss.
As luck would have it, a mulberry contains all of these nutrients, which makes it the perfect fruit to snack on to lose weight fast.

Lean Muscles

Mulberries promote leaner muscles, primarily due to its protein content. Also, because of the resveratrol in it, it can make more calories go into muscles instead of fat cells. In essence, more lean muscles mean less fat.
To sum things up, mulberries are one of the most ideal fruits to eat for weight loss purposes. If you find it hard to include in your diet, you can always opt for mulberry supplements, which, however, will require some precautions.
Just remember that the nutrients found in mulberries not only curb your appetite but incites your body to lose fat and control calories as well.

Every week there seems to be another weight loss miracle being discovered.
One of the latest to make this claim is White Mulberry Leaf, but how will it help with your weight loss efforts?
Lets see what led Dr Oz to declare that White Mulberry Leaf is ‘the next big thing for your health.

What is White Mulberry Leaf?

White Mulberry Leaf is native to China, although it has been introduced to parts of the United States where it was grown to try to establish a silk industry.
This tree has been used in the past to make tennis racket, furniture and boats.
After its appearance on the Dr Oz Show however, it is likely that White Mulberry Leaf may become better known for its weight loss benefits.

White Mulberry Leaf for weight loss

White Mulberry Leaf has been shown to stop the digestion of sugar, which will help to keep your blood sugar levels at a consistent level so will therefore reduce the cravings that are caused when your blood sugar levels are high then subsequently drop.

What did Dr Oz say about White Mulberry Leaf?

Dr Oz had this to say about White Mulberry Leaf:
“The white mulberry packs a remarkable nutritional punch.”
“It has a way of stopping the processing of sugar before it starts.”

Watch the episode here.

Other health benefits of White Mulberry Leaf

The most promising health benefits of White Mulberry Leaf though is that it can help to inhibit the digestion sugar, so can help to prevent the development of diabetes.
White Mulberry Leaf contains a compound known as DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin), which is what helps to stop sugar from being digested and therefore will help keep your blood sugar levels under control.
There has even been a small study that has shown that White Mulberry Leaf could reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol levels, while raising good (HDL) cholesterol levels.

Is White Mulberry Leaf clinically proven?

Korean Researchers from Ewha Woman’s University and Seoul National University of Science and Technology have proven that White Mulberry Leaf can lower blood sugar levels.
During a study, 50 healthy people were put into 5 groups with each group asked to drink a maltose powder drink with varying dosages of White Mulberry Leaf.
Those who consumed the larger dosages (2.5 and 5 grammes) had lower blood glucose levels.
The researchers had this to say about their discovery:
“Ingestion of mulberry leaf aqueous extract containing 0.36% DNJ effectively reduced hyperglycaemia after a 75 g maltose challenge.”
“Besides DNJ and soluble fibre, flavonoids and related constituents found in mulberry leaf were also described for inhibiting glucose uptake as well as alpha-glucosidase activity.”

Any potential side effects of White Mulberry Leaf

In the studies that have been undertaken on the effects of White Mulberry Leaf it has been shown to be safe.
It is recommended however, that if you are pregnant or breast feeding that you avoid taking White Mulberry Leaf.
You should also monitor your blood sugar levels if you are diabetic as it may lower blood sugar levels in some cases.

After my previous post about Yacon Root Pure, another interesting herbal product is slowly getting popular in the weight loss industry – the white mulberry. Today’s featured diet pill is based on this herb called White Mulberry Leaf weight loss supplement.
This product is based on an advanced research conducted by dozens of studies that provides beneficial proof of white mulberry leaf to humans. The most interesting health feature of this herb is its ability to reduce the impact of sugar and carbohydrates in your diet, leading to a natural weight loss effect.
Read on and learn what is White Mulberry Leaf and how it can truly help you lose weight.

What is White Mulberry Leaf?

White Mulberry Leaf is a dietary supplement and the first white mulberry brand that came out of Evolution Slimming brand. As aforementioned earlier, white mulberry is a clinically proven herb that is beneficial for overall health, especially to sugar management and weight loss.
So what is white mulberry? White mulberry is a type of leaf that originated in China and was introduced in the United States in colonial times. This leaf herb has dozens of names that include Chinese white mulberry, chi sang, common mulberry, Egyptian Mulberry, mon tea and many others.
The leaves are commonly used for medicinal purposes while the fruit can be used for food. Some of its known health benefits includes the following:
  • Diabetes treatment support
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Treats common cold
  • Muscle and joint pain relief
  • Helps treat constipation
  • Helps treat hair loss and premature graying of hair
  • Effective for weight loss

Image from: davesgarden.com

But the most significant health property of this herb is its positive reactions to type 2 diabetes. Experts say that there are potent chemicals in white mulberry that works similarly to some medicines used for this disease. It works by reducing the breakdown process of sugars in the gut, which results to slow absorption into the blood. This will help the body to maintain a healthy blood sugar levels.
The same concept is used by Evolution Slimming as they produced a white mulberry leaf extract supplement called White Mulberry Leaf, which is probably the first in the industry of weight loss.
The weight loss benefit of white mulberry leaf are captured in capsule form to produce an effective method of blocking sugar, which also results to safe and natural weight loss. This is truly a new way of losing weight which revolutionize the health industry.

Weight Loss Benefits of White Mulberry Leaf

Evolution Slimming, one of the most dependable and trusted company in the weight loss market, is proud and confident that White Mulberry Leaf is a fantastic and effective support to any types of weight loss regimen.
Some of its claim includes the following benefits:
  • It effectively regulates your blood sugar levels which prevents cravings and low blood sugar
  • Helps reduce the impact of sugar and carbs in your diet naturally
  • Much more potent if used alongside a proven fat burner such as Hiprolean X-S
White Mulberry Leaf helps decrease and blocks the metabolism of sugars, disposing them as body waste which helps reduce weight gain that is associated with sugar.
Since this White Mulberry Leaf reacts perfectly with sugars, this supplement is ideal when used before meals to exploit its appetite suppressing benefits which further improves your chances of weight loss. White Mulberry Leaf will help you eat less and become fuller, quicker and for longer duration of time.
Maintaining a healthy blood sugar level is essential for preventing sugar crash and sweet cravings that is often felt after a carb heavy meal. In short, White Mulberry Leaf can help you to avoid sugary foods such as desserts, giving you more willpower and motivational support with your dieting program.
White Mulberry Leaf ingredients includes pure white mulberry extracts which is standarddized to 1% alkaloids (1-deoxynojirimycin), 15% flavonoids (quercetine and isoquercetin) and capsule shell (vegetable cellulose).

Directions for Use

Evolution Slimming recommends that you take one capsule 10-30 minutes before each meal, up to two times daily. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. One bottle is good for a one month supply.
As mentioned earlier, this supplement works much effectively if combined with a known and proven fat burner diet pills.

White Mulberry Leaf Review Summary

White Mulberry Leaf is a new herbal remedy for weight loss but is already a known asset in the blood sugar reduction market. Evolution Slimming utilizes its health properties to help trigger its weight loss capacities through sugar blocking processes.
Since this is a new product, I found no testimonials for this brand as of this writing. Based on its ingredients and company profile (Evolution Slimming, a known entity in the weight loss industry), White Mulberry Leaf doesn’t have chemicals or compounds that can trigger side effects (stimulants, caffeine, etc.), which makes this product to pass our safety standards.
However, you have to conjunct a reliable fat burning supplement with White Mulberry Leaf to be able to get significant weight loss results. If you happen to experience the power of this supplement, I am encouraging you to share your experience below to help others learn the effectiveness of this diet pill.

New research suggests a compound also found in buckwheat and apples, activates “good” brown fat tissue to help shed pounds.
In humans brown fat is mostly found in newborns who are more prone to heat loss and are unable to shiver to help keep themselves warm.
The substances makes up for that by burning calories to create heat. 
Yet we grow up brown fat is mostly replaced by white or “bad fat” which stores energy for the body when we consume more calories than we burn off.
Previous research has shown being cold activates brown fat and a compound found in Mulberries and other foods - rutin - replicated this effect.
Researchers at the Institute of Zoology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing added rutin to the drinking water of obese mice. 
Scientists found that rutin directly binds to and stabilises a gene linked to obesity
The treatment significantly reduced obesity, helped burn more energy and maintain blood glucose levels in both the genetically obese mice and those fed a high fat diet.
Scientists found that rutin directly binds to and stabilises a gene linked to obesity, SIRT1.
The study was published in The Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal.
Rutin is also found in apples
Editor-in-Chief Dr Thoru Pederson said: “Unlike hibernating animals, we humans have only a small spot of brown fat, and yet its importance in human metabolism has only recently come into view.
“In this study, the philosophy of ancient Chinese medicine's exploitation of plant materials has conjoined in the modern era with a very able physiology research team to evoke a promising lead."
Research has been focused on the use of muberry leaf extract as a significant medicine for type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis, as well as other health benefits.
Many people associate mulberry with the Mother Goose rhyme that goes: “Here we go round the mulberry bush,” yet this plant has a much longer history of use.
The mulberry leaves are not only the exclusive food of silkworms, but they have also been used by humans as medicine in India and China for hundreds of years, mostly for headaches, coughs, eye infections, nosebleeds, and fevers associated with influenza.
More recently research has been focused on the use of mulberry leaf (Morus alba, M. indica) extract as a significant medicine for type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis.
Mulberry leaves have a high nutrient and antioxidant profile. They contain a wide variety of nutrients, including proteins, sugars, polyphenols, flavonoids (iso-quercitrin), steroids, triterpenes, vitamins, and minerals.
Mulberry Controls Blood Sugar
Several research groups have found that white mulberry leaves contain compounds that inhibit intestinal enzymes which break down disaccharides (especially sucrose), thereby restricting the amount of simple sugar that enters the circulatory system.
Researchers also found that feeding both rats and humans mulberry leaf extract prior to consuming carbohydrates significantly suppressed the normal post-meal rise in blood glucose levels.
Mulberry Inhibits Atherosclerosis
Researchers have pinpointed a number of biologically active compounds in mulberry leaf extract that are effective in suppressing the progression of atherosclerosis, the buildup of cholesterol-rich plaque in our arteries.
It does this, apparently, by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which is a major factor in the development of atherosclerotic plaque. It appears this is primarily (but not exclusively) due to the antioxidant effects of two closely related compounds, iso-quercitrin and astragalin, found in mulberry leaf extract.
When the mulberry leaf was compared to a standard antidiabetic drug, Diabeta (glibenclamide, a.k.a. glyburide), not only did the mulberry leaf do better, but it also significantly improved the blood cholesterol and triglyceride profiles of the test subjects. Many patients have also reported weight loss, which they attribute to the consumption of mulberry leaf extract.
Health care practitioners who are using mulberry leaf extracts are still working out the proper dosage, but the average dosage for the extract is 100 mg of 30:1 extract, twice daily.
Since both blood sugar and blood lipid problems are among our country’s worst health problems, breakthroughs in this area are always inviting. It looks as though this nursery rhyme may indeed have a happy ending.
 Mulberry leaf, also known as Sang Ye in mandarin, is often used as both food and Chinese herb since it is edible and with amazing medicinal properties. So, are mulberry leaves good for you? The answer is probably YES since it is packed with tons of nutrition and health benefits, in particular on reducing inflammation and lowing abnormally high blood sugar (glucose) levels, blood pressure, and blood lipids. As a matter of fact, the original purpose of growing mulberry tree is to raise silkworms, which feed on its fresh tender leaves and finally make them become silk cocoons. In addition, it is also the source of handmade mulberry paper and livestock feed in drier areas when ground covers are in short supply.What is mulberry leaf?
Medicinally it mainly refers to the dried leaves of Morus alba L., which is a plant in the family of Moraceae. And other names of it include White Mulberry Leaf, Folium Mori, mulberry tree leaves, and so on. In China it is distributed all over the country, wild or cultivated. When used as medicine it is usually harvested after the first frost. And following steps are to remove the impurities and dry in the sun. It is used raw or baked with honey.
Dried white mulberry leaves are mostly crinkly and broken. The complete one is oval or ovate, 8 to 13cm long, and 7 to 11cm wide. Apex is acute. Margin is serrate, or sometimes irregularly split. Base is truncate, round or heart-shaped. Upper surface is yellowish-green, slightly glossy, and with tiny fuzz along the veins; lower surface is slightly in color and with protruding veins and small veins that are densely puberulous and woven into a net. It is brittle and fragile. It has light odor and slightly bitter taste. Medicinally the preferred one is intact, large, thick, yellow-green, crisp, and pure. Traditionally the one after frost, called “frosted or winter mulberry leaves”, is considered with better medicinal uses.
Main chemical compositions are steroids and triterpenoids, flavonoids and its glycosides, coumarin and its glycosides, volatile oil, amino acids and small peptides, alkaloids, and organic acids and other compounds. Steroids and triterpenoids include inokosterone, ecdysterone, stigmasterol, campesterol, lupeol, β-sitosterol and its acetyl derivative, β-amyrin, and the like. Flavonoids and its glycosides include rutin, quercetin, isoquercitrin, moracetin, kuwanon I, and more. Coumarin and its glycosides include bergaten, umbelliferone, scopoletin, scopolin, hydroxycoumarin, and so on. Volatile oil include acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, iso-butyric acid, valeric acid, isovaleric acid, caproic acid, methyl salicylate, guaiacol, O-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, eugenol, etc. Amino acids and small peptides include glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine, glycine, γ-aminobutyric acid, pipecolic acid, 5-hydroxy- pipecolic acid, proline, arginine, sarcosine, leucine, isoleucine, tyrosine, valine, tryptophan, asparagine, glutamine, serine, lysine, glutathione, etc. Alkaloids include adenine, choline, trigonelline, etc. And organic acids and other compounds include chlorogenic acid, fumaric acid, palmitic acid, Ethyl palmitate, folic acid, folinic acid, vitamin C, alkanes, myo-inositol, hemolysin, etc.

Mulberry leaf benefits

So, how does it lower dangerous blood sugar level for diabetics? There are those who say its secret of purifying the blood lies in the rich content of chlorophyll, which can be absorbed by the body and guaranteed by the hemoglobin-like chemical structure. That is to say, it ensures to transport abundant oxygen supply to the body while taking away the waste in blood and thus accelerate the body purification. More importantly, it does no harm to human body. And now let’s take a look at how the pharmacology says about it.

Modern pharmacological actions of mulberry leaves

1) In vitro tests fresh leaf decoction can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, beta-hemolytic streptococcus and other bacteria;
2) Its decoction inhibitory effect on leptospira;
3) It has hypoglycemic effect on hyperglycemia caused by a variety of reasons in animals;
4) Contained ecdysterone can promote the transformation from glucose into glycogen while this process won’t affect the normal blood sugar range in animals;
5) Ecdysone contained can also reduce blood lipid levels;
6) It can promote the protein synthesis in human body, get rid of body’s cholesterol, and lower blood lipids.

Main mulberry leaf medicinal uses

1) Controlling blood sugar. It can reduce blood sugar level, which is closely related to its richness in amino acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals and a variety of physiologically active substances (alkaloids and polysaccharides). Among them the total DNA of mulberry can inhibit alpha-glucosidase activity, which thereby inhibits and delay the starch and food from breaking down into glucose and fructose. As a result, it can significantly inhibit the rise in blood sugar after eating.
2) Antibacterial effect. Vitro tests showed that fresh mulberry leaves have a strong inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, beta-hemolytic bacteria, corynebacterium diphtheria, and Bacillus anthracis. In addition, its plant defensin is anti-microbial.
3) Hypotensive effect. The main active ingredient of anti-hypertension is γ-aminobutyric acid.
4) Reducing lipid. The main active lipid-lowering ingredient is phytosterols.
5) Anti-oxidation and anti-aging effects. The main active ingredient is isoflavones. According to the result of 4-year experiment conducted by the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology in Zhejiang University, it resembles ginseng (Ren Shen) on tonic and anti-aging effects. The difference between them is that ginseng is of warm nature while mulberry leaf is of cold nature.
6) Alleviating menopausal syndrome. It can stabilize autonomic nervous system, which therefore help relieve bad moods of women at the change of life, especially when they get emotional and grumpy.
7) Melasma treatment. It can treat brown to gray-brown patches on the face. Normally 20 days as a course can make spots or pigment fade away gradually.
8) Skin care. Bathing with mulberry leaf decoction helps skin rejuvenation. Or by washing your face it treats facial freckles and dark spots too.
9) Getting rid of acne. As you know, acne is an inflammatory skin disease commonly seen in young people. But you may not know that its decoction or fresh juice is an acne remedy that works.
10) Hair care. It is rich in copper, which make it an herb that can prevent and treat hair graying. When used in combination with black sesame seeds, it can reverse gray hair and prevent premature gray hair and hair loss.
11) Weight loss. Long-term use of mulberry leaf tea can help lose weight. Its diuresis not only promotes urination but also drain away excess water stored in cells. That is the reason why it can reduce inflammation. In addition, it still can empty the excess neutral fat and cholesterol in blood, which actually is also known as blood cleanse. The reason why one is fat is partly because excessive fat storage in abdomen and back. When neutral fat reduces in the blood, stored fat will be thus released and burned in the form of calories. If that cycle repeats body fat will keep decreasing. As you can see, losing weight and lowering blood sugar are somehow interrelated.
12) Relaxing the bowels and reducing the swelling. With the action of mulberry leaves, the saccharide that failed to be absorbed by small intestine will be delivered to the large intestine, where with the help of the intestinal microflora it will be broken down into carbon dioxide, hydrogen, butyric acid, propionic acid, acetic acid, lactic acid and other organic acids. As a result, the acidic environment is formed inside and outside of the intestines. As you know, acid can inhibit the proliferation of harmful bacteria and thus improve constipation and bloating. What’s more, it still can reduce edema by removing excess body water.

Sample mulberry leaf recipes on herbal remedies

The Chinese Materia Medica believes that it is bitter and sweet in flavor and cold in nature. It goes to meridians of lung and liver. Common functions are dispelling wind and heat, clearing lung heat, and improving eyesight. Primary mulberry leaf uses and indications include wind-heat cold, beginning stage of wind-warm syndrome, fever and headache, sweating and aversion to wind, cough and chest pain, dry cough but with no phlegm due to lung dryness, dry throat and thirst, wind-heat and liver-yang flaming syndrome, and red, painful, and swollen eyes. Recommended mulberry leaf dosage is from 4.5 to 9 grams in decoction. Besides, it can be still used in the forms of mulberry leaf supplement, powder, tea, oil, juice, extract, pills, etc.
1) Sang Xing Tang (mulberry leaf and apricot seed decoction) from Wen Bing Tiao Bian (Detailed Analysis of Warm Diseases). It is combined with Xing Ren (apricot seed), Sha Shen (Glehnia), Xiang Bei Mu (Fritillaria Bulb), Xiang Chi (Fermented Soy), etc. to clear dryness-heat and moisten lung to arrest cough.
2) Sang Ju Yin from Wen Bing Tiao Bian. It is formulated with apricot, Lian Qiao (Forsythia), Bo He (Mint Herb), Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum Morifolium), etc. to cure Tai-yin wind-warm syndrome, cough only, mild fever, and slight thirst.
3) Sang Ma Wan from Yi Ji Bao Jian (Precious Mirror for the Advancement of Medicine). It is coupled with Hei Zhi Ma (Black sesame seeds) to heal deficient liver-yin, cloudy vision, chronic cough, scaly dry skin, and paralysis.
4) Du Sheng San from Sheng Ji Zong Lu (Complete Record of Holy Benevolence). It is matched with La Cha (literally wax tea) and She Xiang (musk) for spitting blood.

Mulberry leaf side effects and interactions

Mulberry leaf herb contains trypsin inhibitor, which can make intestinal digestive enzymes fail to destroy the ulcerative β-toxin produced by “Type C” strains of Clostridium perfringens and finally lead to hemorrhagic colitis. And because of white mulberry fruits contain fatty acids, excessive consumption many produce gastrointestinal irritation. And the adverse reactions in overdose include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, jam-like stool, rash, wheal, hypopharynx swelling, chest discomfort, irritability, listlessness, greenish complexion, dry lips, cold extremities, or hemorrhagic enteritis induced low blood pressure, dehydration, shock and death in severe case. Besides, it’s better not to use it or use it with care when breastfeeding and during pregnancy. And before taking it consulting your personal physician is highly recommended.
White Mulberry Leaf – a professional product that is accessible and leads you towards preferred results; it reduces sugar, and the weight you gain by the sugar.
This product is taking the whole world by storm, because of its quality and encouraging outcome. It is chiefly a weight loss supplement, which has the latent power to make a significant difference in your life.
Before there was not any solution for the sugar or the weight, you gain by the sugar. However, now there is an incredible solution. The White Mulberry Leaf reduces and blocks the metabolism of sugars, takes it out as waste, and obligates your body to prevent gaining weight from it. It is entirely a natural process; the nutrients in this product are extracted from the Mulberry Leaf, which is commonly found in Asia.
Numerous certified studies have confirmed that White Mulberry Leaf creates a huge impact and helps people to suppress the appetite without any particular side effects. The reason why it works so well is because of the ingredients it has got. For instance, it contains a substance called DNJ.
The DNJ substance blocks the foods you eat from turning into immense fat. Furthermore, the DNJ substance eliminates the sugar from your bloodstream as waste, which is of course immensely advantageous for you.

Main Benefits of White Mulberry Leaf Extract

If you are in depression, and desire to lose extra pounds of your body, do not ponder too much. Just opt for the great weight loss supplement – White Mulberry Leaf; it offers loads benefits, such as:
  • You naturally lose weight, since it prevents the impact of sugar on your body.
  • It successfully keeps the blood sugar on a consistent level.
  • The ingredients of the White Mulberry Leaf are clinically proven.
  • It reduces Cholesterol. Therefore, it is always an excellent fit for everyone.
  • It banishes most common health problems, quite efficiently.
  • Once you have it, you have a 30-Day money back guarantee as well.
Right now, it is one of the best weight loss pills available in the market. However, if you wish to lose weight more rapidly, then, of course, you can associate your workout process with it.

White Mulberry Leaf Cons

The White Mulberry Leaf can affect your appetite, but it is an expected thing in the weight loss process. However, you can avoid this too, if you stay careful and take the right dosage. Otherwise, it is an excellent thing, and a powerhouse of benefits.

How Does White Mulberry Leaf Work?

This product has earned a big name in the market; it has built the reputation on the results it has achieved. The consumers of it now utterly rely on it, and even recommend it to others, as they are quite content regarding its working process.
It actually works by blocking many things, which give you a fat body; it blocks the levels of sugar and calories, and does not allow them to run the fat process inside you. Overall, it is a perfect weight loss supplement for losing weight, but it only works then it is used in a right manner.
Therefore, it is significant to have it 10 – 30 minutes before each meal; you have to take the capsule 2 times in a day, each day. When you have it before meals, it balances your sugar level and suppresses your appetite. Once your appetite is suppressed, you consume less. In addition, consequently, you do not embrace the issue of extra weight as well.

What are the Ingredients?

The secret behind every weight loss product is its ingredients. White Berry Leaf is also immensely successful and popular because of its ingredients. Moreover, besides, it has proved its effectiveness and earned praises from its clients consistently.
Its ingredients create a magical impact on your weight loss, control your appetite, and keep your blood sugar level steady. Overall, it rubs you in a completely healthy way and affects your body extraordinarily.
Let us look at three of its main ingredients, and consider why it is so popular in the market, and why people opt for it over others.
Morus Alba – It is pure, and it supports good health; it is the only species, which are also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Scientists are continually canvassing its benefits and have been using it for a variety of medical purposes.
1 % Alkaloids – Alkaloid is a chemical substance, which is usually found in caffeine, nicotine, morphine, and etc. According to some professional research, it quickly effects on the specific areas of the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, and relaxes muscles.
15% Flavonoids – It is mostly found in citrus fruits. The professional research on its health benefits is expanding rather rapidly. It has been found that Flavonoids have antioxidative activity, heart disease prevention, and anticancer activity.
Capsule Shell – White Mulberry Leaf supplement has a vegetable cellulose capsule shell. It is especially the best option for vegetarians. Cellulose is often extracted from plants and used as a food additive.

Will it Work for You?

Every person who has relished the benefits of White Mulberry Leaf beliefs that it works for everyone, as he is experienced it personally. It is 100 percent pure and has natural ingredients. Besides, it is a professional, and clinically proven, product too. In addition, it has already produced positive results for thousands of its consumers.

Nevertheless, after buying this product, in case you feel that it is not for you, you can utilize its 30-Day money back guarantee as well.

Health Issues with White Mulberry Leaf

There are not any particular health issues regarding this product. Many diet supplement products are tagged as dangerous, but White Mulberry Leaf does not appear in that list. It is considered 100 percent safe and natural.
However, there are a few things, which require your attention. For instance if you are having this supplement, do not cross the limit; do not consume an overdose of pills; it will not earn instant results. Since, it is a process, and it requires a tad time.
Besides, it is not beneficial for pregnant and breastfeeding women too. Next, if you are having it, keep a sharp eye on your blood sugar level too. Moreover, if you are a sugar patient, it is better to consult a professional doctor before buying this product.

Review Summary

White Berry Leaf has created a significant dent in the market, as it has given people what they need – a slim, healthy body. This product is one of the best weight loss products that exclude fats and extra calories from your body.
Because of its excellent results, it constantly earns positive reviews, even from the professional doctors. If I canvass it thoroughly and summarize it, I would say that the White Mulberry Leaf supplement:
  • Gives results immediately.
  • Works rather effectively for weight loss.
  • Reduces sugar from the body.
  • Has 100 % health benefits and it is side effects free.
  • Comes with a 30-Day full money back guarantee.
Therefore, do not squander your time on other weight loss supplements; buy the professional White Mulberry Leaf right now, and experience its magical results.

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