Sunday, February 14, 2016

20 Super Foods to Lose Weight 

  Do you want to increase your body's fat-burning potential naturally? 

If your answer is "Yes", you should make these foods a normal part of your diet regimen, along with a sensible exercise routine. I am sure that you will see a remarkable difference in your body.

These foods are beneficial to our overall health in multiple ways.

Green Tea

Make green tea your drink of choice. Having a green tea 3-5 times a day can burn up to 80 extra calories without any effort.


Coconut is rich with medium chain triglycerides (MCFAs), which increases the metabolism up to 30 percent. 


Alicin, a component of garlic, does a great job helping to flush fat from the body.

Chili Peppers 

They increase your body temperature and speed up your metabolism. 


Ginger is used for centuries to help relieve digestive upset. It improves digestion and helps you lose belly fat.


Flavorful, aromatic and low in calories, onions deserve a regular place in your diet. They control cholesterol, thin the blood, protect against cholesterol.


Lemons are excellent liver detoxifiers. Maintaining the health of the liver is also imperative to the body’s ability to digest and burn fat. 


The caffeine kicks your metabolism into high gear. Caffeine also jump-starts lipolysis, the breakdown of fat. One to two cups a day is ideal.

Brown rice

Brown rice is a smart fat-loss food. It is packed with fiber, starchy carbohydrate and essential nutrients.


There are only 33 calories in a cup of cooked shredded cabbage, and it retains all its nutritional goodness even after cooking.


These shiny, nutty-tasting seeds have a secret weight loss weapon, compounds called lignans. Try grinding and adding a tablespoon of flaxseed each day to cereals, yogurt, or salad dressing. 

Indian Dal (Lentils)

Protein helps you build muscles and boost your metabolism. Protein rich foods have a high thermogenic effect. 100 grams of lentils contain 26 grams of protein. A bowl of Indian dal is an excellent source of protein. 

Whey protein

30 grams of whey protein serving contains 23 grams of protein with just 120 calories. It is a low-calorie high in protein food. 


These foods are high in protein. They have a high thermogenic effect: You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion So a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down.


Popeye really knew what he was talking about. Spinach has the ability to lower cholesterol, rev up the metabolism and burn away fat. 


1-3 teaspoons of Isabgol with a glass of water before dinner help in smooth functioning of the digestive system. It relieves constipation, thus making you less bloated. 


Apples are a great fat-burning fruit because they are packed with fiber. The pectin in apples keeps cells from absorbing fat and also encourages water absorption, which helps remove fat deposits from the body. 


The real fat hero in most nuts is mono-unsaturated fats. Walnuts are actually a rich source of omega-3s. One ounce (7 walnuts) provides almost 3g of alpha-linolenic acid.


A medium-sized carrot carries about only 55 calories and is a nutritional powerhouse. 


Oatmeal is an easy-to-cook fat burner. It works well as a fat-burning food because it contains insoluble and soluble fiber. Any food that is rich in soluble fiber will typically improve fat reduction.

Hold on tiger! I've got something to tell you.

There is an app that I want to recommend to you. StayWow is a social networking app for fitness enthusiasts just like you! It's a free app.
People use StayWow to share photographs, post comments, write blogposts, meet new people, chat live, play videos, view GIFs, read articles, ask questions, recommend products and even buy products.
People can also track steps, calories, distance and see where they rank in real-time as they walk.
Whether you're completely new to fitness or a seasoned pro, this app will help you reach the next level. Give it a try. 
Losing weight is physically and psychologically taxing. In order to successfully drop pounds, you have to be disciplined, creative, and determined, but achieving your weight loss goals makes the entire struggle worthwhile.
Lemons are an important tool for maintaining weight because they can make any bland vegetable, seafood, or meat more palatable. An added bonus is that lemon juice has also been found to boost the metabolism.
But what happens after you drop a few pants sizes? How do you keep the weight off?
Though some diets designed to accelerate weight loss are often mired in strict rules, maintaining a healthy weight involves switching up tactics. Instead of following hard-set eating laws, it's better to set up flexible diet guidelines and adaptable eating plans.
Click here for the Did You Just Lose Weight? These 9 Foods Will Help You Keep It Off slideshow.
There are a handful of general strategies that have been proven to help maintain weight. A healthy diet should be founded in vegetables and plants, because they have a more complex nutritional profile than simple carbohydrates, and are rich in satiating fiber, keeping you fuller longer.
Another tip to remember is that "junk food" doesn't need to be completely avoided - however, the catch is that you need to make it yourself. Most recipes for homemade hamburgers, pizzas, French fries, or mashed potatoes will have less salt and fewer empty calories than what's available at a fast-food restaurant or convenience store.
Also, don't be afraid to snack. As long as you're munching on something low in calories and rich in fiber, a few midday munchies can actually help you side-step a complete diet breakdown.
Realistic food guidelines are the key to staying at your ideal weight, and there are a few select foods that can help make the transition from losing to maintaining the loss easier.
These nine foods will keep you full and satisfied, and help you keep off the weight off that you worked so hard to lose.
Click here for the Did You Just Lose Weight? These 9 Foods Will Help You Keep It Off slideshow.
What's the best way to slim down? More and more studies, including a large review published in 2013 in US Endocrinology, show that the key to losing weight is keeping your calorie burn high through plenty of daily exercise and physical activity and eating quality calories to properly fuel that activity. Whole, minimally processed foods supply the energy you need while also helping regulate your appetite and reduce hunger levels, which will spur weight loss.
Obesity researchers call this approach maintaining a "high energy flux." That scientific term simply means that you should aim to burn a high number of calories while also eating a high number of quality calories. Here's how you can amp up your "energy flux" and kick your weight loss into high gear. (Get a flat belly in just 10 minutes a day with our reader-tested exercise plan!)
This article was originally published by our partners at

Go natural.
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Go natural.
Whole, natural foods, such as vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains, are high in fiber. High-fiber foods take up volume in your stomach and help you feel full longer. Soluble fiber (plentiful in beans and fruit) slows stomach emptying and stabilizes blood sugar, keeping hunger at bay. High-fiber foods also contain prebiotics—the special starches that serve as food for the probiotics, or healthy bacteria, in your GI tract.
Slim down: Eat at least three cups of vegetables and three pieces of fruit daily, along with several servings of fiber-rich sweet potatoes, beans, and whole grains.
Eat more bugs.
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Eat more bugs.
There are thousands of bacteria strains (those probiotics mentioned above) in your intestines. A large study review published in 2013 found that certain strains influence obesity. Some bacteria affect the amount of energy extracted from food and send signals that impact metabolism. One particular strain, called bifidobacteria, aids in weight loss and lessens symptoms related to obesity, such as a rise in inflammatory markers. Cultured milk, like kefir, buttermilk, yogurt, and cheese, are rich in bifidobacteria.
Slim down: Aim for at least one serving of cultured dairy (and other probiotic foods, such as miso, tempeh, and even sauerkraut) every day.
Burn calories eating.
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Burn calories eating.
Studies show that capsaicin, a compound in hot chili peppers, may help boost calorie burning, reduce appetite, and aid in weight control. That makes fresh or dried peppers, pepper flakes, and chili powder a smart addition to your diet. Green tea, which has special polyphenols called catechins, may also help boost calorie-burning and reduce hunger levels.
Slim down: Swap your second cup of coffee for green tea. Add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes to soups and pasta sauce.
Downsize your plate.
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Downsize your plate.
A new study from Cornell University shows that 92% of people clean their plates. That's not so bad when you're eating salads, but could mean calorie overload when it comes to ice cream, cookies, chips, and other indulgent foods. Don't deny yourself these treats—just trick yourself a bit by modifying what you see.
Slim down: Serve chips in a small bowl (rather than out of the bag) and use smaller serving utensils and smaller plates, which will make downsized portions appear larger.
Switch up workouts.
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Switch up workouts.
Keep up your running mileage or usual workouts, but toss in new activities. Doing so will use less-trained muscles and create adaptive changes on a microscopic level, such as building new muscle proteins and cellular compartments that help burn more calories.
Slim down: Winter weather have you stuck inside? Now's the perfect time to try an indoor boot camp class or indoor swimming.
Boost "extra" activity.
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Boost "extra" activity.
Exercise isn't the only way to burn calories. Everyday tasks like walking, standing, and cleaning can have a big impact on your total calorie burn and tip the weight-loss balance in your favor. Look around your work and home environments for ways you can make yourself more active.
Slim Down: Don't sit for more than 30 minutes at a stretch—set a timer to remind you to get up. Watch TV while standing up and folding laundry. If your employer offers it, get a standing desk at work, and take the stairs.

These days, fad diets pop up about as often as The Rock posts on Instagram: Though the former is not nearly as epic as the latter, both are hilariously frequent.
But here's a pro tip: Constantly switching between new crash diets might just leave you feeling sick and frustrated. Eating is a habit like any other, so pick a nutrition plan for the right reason—namely, because it's been backed by research and proven to work safely—and stick with it.
Fortunately, you don't have to troll the Internet to find a personal plan that fits into your lifestyle and works for your goals. (Though we do recommend following Dwayne Johnson on Instagram. He's cool.)
In a new analysis, U.S. News & World Report evaluated 38 of the most popular diets and singled out the most notable. Below, we've highlighted the top three in each category, as well as their aims, pros, and cons. Read through the list if your New Year's resolution was to get your waistline (and health) in order, and check out the original report for the full rundown of the categories and top-ranking diets.


1. Weight Watchers Diet (tied for first with HMR)
The goal:
Lose 2 pounds a week.
Pros: The meal plan's flexible, you have access to a support group, and there aren't hard limits on what you can and can't eat. You'll simply opt for the most nutritionally dense foods that keep you fuller longer. (i.e. your meals will be lower in calories, saturated fat, and sugar, and higher in protein.)
Cons: It can get a bit pricey, and tallying your meal points is a drag.
2. Health Management Resources (HMR)
The goal:
Drop 1 to 2 pounds per week for an average of 23 pounds over the first 12 weeks; keeping the weight off is a main priority.
Pros: The crux of this diet is meal replacement, which is said to help people cut 3x as much weight compared to traditional diets. You’ll have low-calorie shakes, meals, nutrition bars, multigrain hot cereal, and fruits and vegetables in place of other meals and snacks. You’ll also receive food for the first 3 weeks to drop weight as quickly as possible; then, you’ll transition to the second phase where the diet is less structured and you'll receive food monthly, as well as weekly telephone coaching sessions.
Cons: The first phase can be difficult to adhere to. It's a tad expensive, especially if you’re not used to buying fruits and vegetables in bulk. The initial 3-week HMR starter kit costs $271 and the 2-week reorder kit costs $185.
3. Bigger Loser Diet
The goal:
Lose weight and prevent or reverse disease.
Pros: The 6-week program can get you in the habit of eating regular meals loaded with fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. You’ll focus portion control, food journaling, and instructed to work out to complement the diet.
Cons: Calorie restriction can be difficult to stick to in the long term. Don’t assume you’ll have as extreme a makeover as the TV contestants did; they had step-by-step guidance from experts… and a camera watching their every move (and bite).


1. Weight Watchers Diet (tied for first with Volumetrics)
2. Volumetrics Diet
The goal:
Drop 1-2 pounds per week.
Pros: Created by a Penn State University nutrition professor, Volumetrics is more of an approach to healthy eating than a regimented diet. You’ll learn to identify and prioritize low-density foods, which are low in calories but high in volume (think: carrots) to help you stay full. It’s also affordable, since you’re not purchasing a book, program, or special ingredients. You won’t feel hungry or starved either.
Cons: This might be easier to stray from because you have more freedom.
3. Jenny Craig Diet
The goal:
Cut 2 pounds a week with the intention of keeping it all off.
Pros: The properly portioned pre-packaged meals take away the guesswork. They’re personalized to you, as is the exercise plan. You’ll also receive a personal consultant to help you stay motivated to meet your goals.
Cons: You’re dropping some cash on this plan: $99 to enroll, at least $20 a month for the “Jenny All Access” program, and $15-$23 per day on food.


1. Weight Watchers Diet (tied for first with Mayo Clinic)
2. Mayo Clinic Diet
The goal:
Incinerate 6 to 10 pounds in 2 weeks, then lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly until you hit your goal weight.
Pros: To adjust your eating habits, you'll follow Mayo Clinic’s food pyramid and the Mayo Clinic Diet book, which clearly writes out what bad food habits to break and what to replace them with. You won’t count calories or eliminate food groups; plus, you can snack all you want on fruits and vegetables.
Cons: Many dieters find the "Lose it!" phase difficult, because it's restrictive; but it only lasts 2 weeks.
3. Jenny Craig Diet


The goal:
The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension eating plan does what its name suggests: helps lower high blood pressure and encourages weight loss.
Pros: It’s straightforward. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy; eat less red meat, salt, and high calorie/sugar sweets. Plus, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute offers free guides.
Cons: You might not lose as much weight as you would on other plans because it’s more catered to improving your health (not necessarily a bad thing).
Mediterranean Diet
The goal:
Melt fat and avoid chronic diseases, like cancer and diabetes.
Pros: You can still enjoy poultry, eggs, cheese, and yogurt in moderation; eat sweets and red meat on special occasions; and have red wine with your fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, olive oil, and seafood. There's a plethora of research backing up this diet.
Cons: You have to be accountable for figuring out calorie consumption to lose or maintain your weight, as well as your workouts.
The goal: Ward off Alzheimer’s disease.
Pros: This is a blend of DASH and Mediterranean diets, so you’re getting a plethora of health benefits, particularly for your noggin. You'll eat foods optimal for brain health.
Cons: There isn’t a real blueprint to follow and finding recipes can be difficult.


1. Mediterranean Diet
2. The Flexitarian Diet
The goal
: Cut fat and live longer with optimal health.
Pros: It’s said “flexitarians” (flexible vegetarians) weigh 15 percent less than meat-eaters, live nearly 4 years longer, and can dodge heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Cons: If you’re hell-bent on beef, this might be difficult to adhere to. You’ll also be cooking a lot of your own meals.
3. Ornish Diet
The goal:
Lose weight, as well as reverse/prevent diabetes, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and prevent/treat prostate or breast cancer
Pros: You'll opt for foods in 5 spectrums from most (group 1) to least (group 5) healthful—erring more on the side of most nutritious. You choose how you want to fill up your grocery cart with these groups.
Cons: You’ll spend a bit more by opting for healthier choices; and it might be difficult to stick to if you’re trying to reverse something like heart disease.
Here are some common dieting mistakes that can sabotage your weight loss success.
If losing weight is as easy as 'fewer calories in, more calories out' why do so many of us get it so wrong? Many people believe they are on track, but when I sit down with them and take a closer look, I usually find that they make mistakes unknowingly.

Myth: If you eat healthily all week, it’s fine to treat yourself at weekends 

Fact: Even after five days of ‘good’ eating, two days of ‘bad’ eating will make you gain weight. 

What you should do: Learn how to choose healthy food from the restaurant menu. It's possible to eat out and still lose weight if you know how and what to order. 

- Choose appetizers that contain vegetables, fruits, meat or fish. 
- Ask for whole-wheat options wherever possible. Avoid maida.
- Request oil-free or butter-free options.
- Ask them not to add any extra butter, cream, cheese or oil.
- Have buttermilk, coconut water or limewater as a beverage, avoid soft drinks.
- Order low calorie foods like dosa, idli, upma, curd rice, fruit yogurt or mexican wraps. 
- Order veg. sandwich, veg. salads, veg. soups, veg. frankie, grilled vegetables or veg. sabji. 

Myth: Skipping breakfast doesn’t make a difference.

Fact: Missing breakfast leads to overeating later in the day as blood sugar drops mid-morning.

What you should do: Start your day by eating a healthy breakfast because it boosts your metabolism. A healthy breakfast meal should contain a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean protein. 

Food options:
- A veggie omelet
- Whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk
- Idlis or Sada dosa with sambar and chatni 
- Oatmeal with Banana and Strawberries
- Egg whites with Low-Fat-Paneer/Tofu/Cheese
- Apple Walnut Salad
- Poha/Upma with Vegetables
- Yogurt with Fruits
- A bowl of Boiled Sprouts and Beans

Myth: I can eat as much healthy food as I like

Fact: Over eating healthy food can make you fat.

What you should do: Control your portion size. Just because a food is healthy doesn’t mean you can eat a mountain of it. Portion control is the key. 

- Eat in smaller plates and bowls.
- Stay flexible and adjust your food portion based on your hunger and fullness. Know when your stomach is full and stop eating.
- In many cases you have a choice between small, medium, or large sizes. Order small size whenever possible.
- Chew 32 times and eat slowly. 
- Avoid distraction while eating, like watching TV or checking emails.

Myth: Crash diets work for me. It is okay if I don’t do exercise.

Fact: Most of the crash dieters fail and don’t keep the weight off. 

What you should do: Follow a balanced diet along with a regular exercise routine. This is the only formula that has been proven effective for long-term weight loss success. 

Myth: I drink soda to kill my hunger pangs. 

Fact: Beverages satisfy thirst and don’t impact hunger. The mechanisms controlling hunger and thirst are completely different. Although liquids may contain calories, they don't seem to satisfy hunger even if they satisfy your thirst. 

What you should do: Switch from calorie-laden beverages to water, skim milk, vegetable juices, and small portions of 100% fruit juice. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation and choose lighter drink options. 

If you have any further query or suggestion, you can leave me a comment below.

Hold on tiger! I've got something to tell you.

There is an app that I want to recommend to you. StayWow is a social networking app for fitness enthusiasts just like you! It's a free app.
People use StayWow to share photographs, post comments, write blogposts, meet new people, chat live, play videos, view GIFs, read articles, ask questions, recommend products and even buy products.
People can also track steps, calories, distance and see where they rank in real-time as they walk.
Whether you're completely new to fitness or a seasoned pro, this app will help you reach the next level. Give it a try. 
For breakfast, you have some coffee. Your mid-morning snack is half a bagel. If you have time for lunch, it's a slice of pizza. Dinner is whatever is in the kitchen, whether it's leftover chips and salsa or leftover delivery food. 
Face it. You are still eating like a college student. For 2017, it's time to be more mindful about tackling your hunger if you want to get healthier and even lose some of the extra weight your daily afternoon snack of vending machine junk food has added to your abdomen. Below are 10 healthy recipes and snack suggestions that will keep you full and help you lose weight by eating clean food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Salmon has protein and omega-3s that can help lower your triglycerides and fight hunger.  Try to eat it at least twice a week. Start with this sweet potato and salmon dish at the beginning of the week and a few days later try some orange-glazed salmon. 
Oatmeal has soluble fiber, protein, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, manganese and iron, making it the perfect breakfast meal. Oatmeal with blueberries and sunflower seeds is a special treat, or try this recipe that calls for dried cherries. 
Healthy monounsaturated fats in avocados will help keep you full. Don't write off avocado toast as a nonsense hipster trend. It's delicious, easy and a recipe for hot sauce and avocado toast will hit the spot for weekend brunch.  Want to try something more advanced? A recipe with whole-milk yogurt and za'atar, a fragrant herb blend, offers a fresh take on this standard dish. 
Beans pack lots of fiber. Eat some homemade roasted red pepper hummus with crudité. Need a big meal? Try a tasty black bean burger with some salad on the side. 
Spinach has alpha-lipoic acid, is high in fiber and low in calories. Make a salad with spinach as your base and use this recipe for warm bacon dressing. Want something heartier? Try this sesame shrimp and spinach recipe from the New York Times. 

Add these foods into your diet and see the pounds fall off in the new year.


According to the International Journal of Obesity drinking milk after your work out can help you get trimmer.
This is because after working out people have a habit of rewarding themselves with a treat, which usually comes it at about 220 calories.
These foods can help you to LOSE weight
Having a glass of milk will help to relieve the craving for calorie dense food after a work out at only 82 calories.

Tricky to eat snacks 

Putting a little more effort into what you eat means you avoid mindless binging.
Eating oranges you need to peel or pistachios with shells will curb eating.
Having a glass of milk will help to relieve the craving for calorie dense food
“Foods that need to be shelled or peeled curb the autopilot eating that leads to massive calorie consumption,” says Caroline Farrell from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition.


The tips, from Men’s Health magazine, also encourage feasting on eggs, as this promotes 65 per cent more weight loss than in people who have toast or another bread-based breakfast.
Eggs also help you fill up and keep you satisfied for longer.


Yes, you read that right. Curry can help you become slimmer.
This is because spice ramps up your calories and slows down how fast you can eat your meal - meaning you feel fuller sooner.
You might want to stay away from the peshwari naan though.


Anything fermented helps to reduce belly fat by five per cent, thanks to probiotics and lactic acid, which help in digesting other foods.
So load up your plate with pickles, sourdough, miso and sauerkraut.


An apple a day can keep the pounds at bay, according to researchers from the University of Iowa.
Apples produce a hormone called GLP-1 in the body, which makes you feel less hungry. Those who took part in research ate 15 per cent fewer calories if they ate an apple before lunch or dinner.


Forget trendy grain quinoa, there’s a new protein dense wheat in town.
Farro contains 7g protein and 3g of fibre per portion according to Caroline Farrell from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition.

Fruit tea

If you feel sugar cravings around mid afternoon, drinking a fruit tea will greatly help to reduce these.

Mustard powder 

Adding mustard powder to your meal increases the isothiocyanates in foods like bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, horseradish and kale.
These dilate your blood vessels and boost your metabolism.
Anything fermented helps to reduce belly fat by five per cent

Food swaps you can make:

Weetabix 2 biscuits 134kcals - Oatibix 2 biscuits 189kcals                                          
Warburton’s wholemeal  58kcals per slice - Warburton’s seeded 137kcals per slice                                    
Burger King Ocean Catch + Salad 526kcals - Burger King Whopper with cheese + fries 1025kcals                                              
McCain Lightly Spiced Wedges 100g 175kcals - McCain Crispy French Fries 100g 270kcals
Walker’s Squares 97kcals - Tyrrell’s veg crisps 185kcals                                              
Nando’s 1⁄2 chicken + corn 452kcals - Nando’s 10 chicken wings + coleslaw 857kcals                                            
Pizza Express La Reine 717kcals - Pizza Express Giardinera 925kcals                                              
Subway Chicken Tikka 6in sub 302kcals - Subway Chicken and Bacon 6in sub 540kcals
Jaffa Cakes - 46kcals per cake - Chocolate Hobnobs 95kcals per biscuit
Bounty 134kcals - Yorkie 302kcals
If you  are struggling to lose weight it could be because of THESE simple reasons.
The first problem is usually speed - it takes a long time to gain weight, so it makes sense it would also take a while to lose it.
Experts advise a loss of one pound per week, as those who lose weight slowly and steadily tend to keep it off more successfully that those who don’t.

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