Monday, January 11, 2016

low-carbohydrate high-fat diet increases weight gain

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose, triggered by reduced production of the hormone insulin. In a new study, researchers reveal how administering controlled pulses of glucose has the potential to restore normal insulin production and prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
[A diabetes diagnosis]
Researchers suggest controlled pulses of glucose may normalize the reduced insulin production characteristic of type 2 diabetes.
Study co-author Joseph McKenna, from Florida State University (FSU), and colleagues publish their findings in the journal PLOS Computational Biology.
Insulin is produced by beta cells in the pancreas. Its primary role is to regulate blood glucose levels and help convert glucose from the carbohydrates we eat into energy.
In healthy individuals, beta cells release regular pulses of the hormone into the bloodstream. These pulses restrict the amount of glucose released by the liver, as well as propel body tissues to absorb the glucose that has been released.
However, in people with high blood glucose - or hyperglycemia, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes - the excess glucose suppresses the "clock" of beta cells that controls the rhythm of insulin pulses, reducing insulin production.
In the new study, McKenna and colleagues show how administering controlled pulses of glucose could normalize the production of insulin.

Controlled glucose pulses restarted insulin clock

Firstly, the team created a mathematical model - the Dual Oscillator Model (DOM) - to simulate experiments with the islets of Langerhans, which are small clusters of pancreatic cells that contain insulin-producing beta cells.
The DOM model predicted that pulses of glucose to the bloodstream has the potential to reactivate the insulin clock within beta cells that has been halted by exposure to excess glucose.
The team then tested this theory in non-diabetic mice that had their islets of Langerhans removed.
Using a specially engineered microfluidic device, the researchers then delivered different concentrations of a glucose solution to the mouse islets.
As expected, when a high, steady glucose concentration was administered, the insulin clock within the mouse islets was deactivated.
When controlled pulses of glucose were applied to the islets, however, the insulin clock was restarted. What is more, when the flow of glucose solution followed a feedback loop that simulates the action of the liver, the team found the reactivated islets had the ability to recruit other islets and restart their insulin clock.
According to the researchers, their findings provide insight into the reduced insulin production that occurs in type 2 diabetes.
"This article demonstrates how microfluidics and mathematical modeling can be used together to gain new insights into the mechanisms for hormone secretion," says study co-author Richard Bertram, of the Department of Mathematics and Programs in Neuroscience and Molecular Biophysics at FSU.
Importantly, the authors say their study may also lead to new prevention strategies for type 2 diabetes:
"Here, we demonstrate, with a combined modeling and experimental approach, that the loss of pulsatile insulin release that results from elevated glucose may be recovered by an oscillatory glucose stimulus.
Our results have potential implications for enhancing insulin pulsatility and therefore mitigating the development of type 2 diabetes."
In future research, the team plans to apply the microfluidic device to islets from diabetic mice, before studying islets from healthy humans and those with diabetes.
Read about how drinking at least two soft drinks daily could double the risk of diabetes.


Dietary guidelines for the past 20 years have recommended that dietary fat should be minimized. In contrast, recent studies have suggested that there could be some potential benefits for reducing carbohydrate intake in favor of increased fat. It has also been suggested that low-carbohydrate diets be recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. However, whether such diets can improve glycemic control will likely depend on their ability to improve β-cell function, which has not been studied. The objective of the study was to assess whether a low-carbohydrate and therefore high-fat diet (LCHFD) is beneficial for improving the endogenous insulin secretory response to glucose in prediabetic New Zealand Obese (NZO) mice.


NZO mice were maintained on either standard rodent chow or an LCHFD from 6 to 15 weeks of age. Body weight, food intake and blood glucose were assessed weekly. Blood glucose and insulin levels were also assessed after fasting and re-feeding and during an oral glucose tolerance test. The capacity of pancreatic β-cells to secrete insulin was assessed in vivo with an intravenous glucose tolerance test. β-Cell mass was assessed in histological sections of pancreata collected at the end of the study.


In NZO mice, an LCHFD reduced plasma triglycerides (P=0.001) but increased weight gain (P<0.0001), adipose tissue mass (P=0.0015), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P=0.044) and exacerbated glucose intolerance (P=0.013). Although fasting insulin levels tended to be higher (P=0.08), insulin secretory function in LCHFD-fed mice was not improved (P=0.93) nor was β-cell mass (P=0.75).


An LCHFD is unlikely to be of benefit for preventing the decline in β-cell function associated with the progression of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes.


Low-carbohydrate high-fat diets (LCHFDs) have achieved weight loss in several clinical studies,1, 2, 3, 4 and others have described their potential benefits in patients with diabetes.5, 6, 7 Reducing ingested carbohydrates limits the potential for blood glucose levels to increase following a meal.6, 8 However, as the major contributors to hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes include a resistance to insulin action on target tissues, in combination with an inability of pancreatic β-cells to secrete enough insulin,9 it is important we further consider the impact that LCHFD could have on these important aspects of metabolic regulation.
Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake into muscle and adipose tissue is significantly improved by weight loss, such as that achieved in some studies using LCHFDs.3, 4 However, an LCHFD does not necessarily result in weight reduction, and high dietary fat in animal studies, regardless of effects on body weight, has been shown to cause an increased accumulation of lipids in the liver, which negatively affects insulin’s ability to reduce hepatic glucose production.10, 11, 12, 13 Therefore, the proposed benefits vs potential negative effects of an LCHFD on blood glucose control need to be seriously considered before such diets are regarded as a useful option for diabetes management. Moreover, whether LCHFDs will prove beneficial for improving glucose control in type 2 diabetes after long-term use will depend on their impact on glucose-induced insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells, which prior to this study has not been carefully examined.
Appropriate insulin secretion in response to changes in blood glucose is essential for maintaining normoglycemia. In type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance places a greater demand on pancreatic β-cells to secrete more insulin. If β-cell function is maintained at a level that can compensate for insulin resistance, blood glucose is maintained within the normal range. However, in susceptible individuals, β-cells are unable to cope with the extra stresses of increased metabolism and insulin production that are required. In patients with diabetes, β-cell function is insufficient, and as it continues to decline over time, blood glucose control becomes progressively worse. In this setting, an increase in β-cell apoptosis can also contribute to a loss of β-cell mass.14 It is clear that diabetes therapies that do not address this decline in β-cell function fail to maintain blood glucose control.15 Therefore, the impacts of LCHFDs on β-cell function may determine whether they could be a useful part of type 2 diabetes management.
A diet or therapy that reduces the workload of pancreatic β-cells in the early stages of diabetes might be predicted to have a beneficial effect for maintaining and perhaps preserving their capacity to respond to increases in blood glucose. In contrast, chronic hypersecretion of insulin has been associated with β-cell failure.16 Of potential benefit, reducing dietary carbohydrate reduces postmeal glucose excursions and the need for insulin secretion.6, 8 However, in healthy individuals an LCHFD can result in an impaired response to an oral glucose tolerance.17 Animal studies are able to shed further light on the potential impact of LCHFDs because they can control dietary and other influences more tightly than clinical studies. HFDs, in combination with either normal or high carbohydrate, have generally induced metabolic impairments in rodents.10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Some studies in normal-weight animals have also shown impairments in glucose tolerance and a reduction in β-cell mass.10, 18 In contrast, some improvements in glucose homeostasis with an LCHFD were observed in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice.23 However, none of these studies specifically examined the effect of an LCHFD on β-cell function in an animal model that is prone to diabetes. The New Zealand Obese (NZO) mouse is a polygenic model of obesity, which develops early in the progression of the disease owing to increased energy intake, akin to human obesity.24 In NZO mice, which also display glucose intolerance, impaired β-cell function and develop diabetes from approximately 20 weeks of age, a HFD worsened obesity and insulin resistance.25 Interestingly, in these mice, a high-fat carbohydrate-free diet prevented hyperglycemia and preserved β-cell mass.25 However, when carbohydrate-naive NZO mice were later exposed to a diet containing carbohydrate (32% of energy), they were highly susceptible and quickly developed diabetes.26, 27 In summary, a life-long completely carbohydrate-free diet is unlikely to be achievable but an LCHFD, through reducing postmeal glucose excursions, could potentially have some benefit for improving glucose control in diabetes. Therefore, we aimed to determine whether feeding prediabetic NZO mice an LCHFD could positively affect β-cell function and mass. The results presented herein demonstrate that, although postmeal glucose excursions were reduced by an LCHFD, there were no longer-term benefits for β-cell function or glucose metabolism.

Materials and methods

Animal diets and housing conditions

NZO mice were bred under specific-pathogen-free conditions in the BioResources Facility at Austin Health (Heidelberg, VIC, Australia). After weaning, male mice were housed in groups of 2–3 per cage and maintained under standard laboratory conditions with controlled temperature (19–22°C) and 12-h light/dark cycle. All mice were fed ad libitum with free access to clean drinking water throughout the duration of this study. Prior to the study, all mice were fed a standard rodent maintenance diet. At 6 weeks of age, mice were either transferred to an LCHFD or maintained on the standard diet (chow) for a further 9 weeks. The LCHFD contained 24 MJkg−1 digestible energy (3.1MJ or 13% coming from protein, 1.5MJ or 6% from carbohydrate and 19.5MJ or 81% from fat (Supplementary Table S1). The carbohydrate content of the LCHFD was exclusively derived from simple sugar (sucrose: 106gkg−1). The fat content of this diet was derived from 55% saturated, 37% monounsaturated and 8% polyunsaturated fats, by weight. The chow diet contained 13.5MJkg−1 digestible energy, with 2.7MJ or 20% coming from protein, 9.5MJ or 70% from carbohydrate and 1.4MJ or 10% from fat (Supplementary Table S2). Typically, rodent chow carbohydrate is contributed to by 50% starch and approximately 2% simple sugars (monosaccharides plus disaccharides) as a proportion of total carbohydrates by weight. The fat content of chow is typically 18% saturated, 37% monounsaturated and 15.4% polyunsaturated fats. All animal procedures were approved by the Austin Health Animal Ethics Committee.

Overview of animal experiments

Random-fed blood glucose (at 1400 hours), body weight and food intake were measured weekly. Care was taken to account for all the food that was left over and crumbled into the cage. After 6–7 weeks of the diet (at 12–13 weeks of age), mice were fasted overnight and re-fed their respective diets so that insulin and glucose levels could be assessed. Body weight and blood glucose measurements were carried out prior to the removal of food from the cages at 1700 hours. The next day, following the overnight fast (16h), body weight and blood glucose measurements were repeated, and a 100-μl blood sample was collected from the tail vein. Food was returned, and after 4h of ad libitum re-feeding, blood glucose was measured and another 100μl of tail blood was collected. After 7–8 weeks, an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed as described below. After 9 weeks, an intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was performed. Immediately after the IVGTT, animals were killed with a lethal dose of sodium pentobarbital and tissue samples were excised.

Oral glucose tolerance test

The OGTT was performed in awake mice as previously described.20, 28 After administering a standardized glucose dose (37.5mg in a volume of 150μl) to all animals, blood glucose was measured at 0, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120min, and blood samples were taken at 0, 10 and 30min. After centrifugation, plasma was stored at −20°C for future glucose and insulin analyses.

Intravenous glucose tolerance test

The IVGTT was performed as previously described.21 Following the glucose bolus (1gkg−1), blood samples were taken at 0, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30min. Plasma was stored at −20°C for later glucose and insulin analyses.

Plasma glucose, insulin, triglyceride and cholesterol measurements

A GM7 Analox glucose analyzer (Helena Laboratories, Mount Waverley, VIC, Australia) was used to determine plasma glucose levels via a glucose oxidase assay. Plasma insulin levels were determined using a Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (Alpco, Caringbah, NSW, Australia). Plasma triglyceride (TRO100) and cholesterol (MAK043) levels were determined using the commercial assay kits (Sigma-Aldrich, Castle Hill, NSW, Australia).

Tissue extraction and analysis

At the end of the 9-week study, following killing of mice, pancreata and epididymal fat pads were rapidly excised and weighed. Pancreatic tissue was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin for 48h and stored in 70% ethanol until further processing and embedding in paraffin. For assessment of β-cell mass, pancreatic sections were immunostained for insulin (using a guinea pig anti-insulin primary antibody, 1:100 dilution) as previously described.29 Two sections (separated by 100μm) from each pancreas were analyzed. Slides were scanned using the ScanScope CS system (Aperio Technologies, Vista, CA, USA) at × 40 magnification. Digital images were analyzed with the ScanScope software (Aperio Technologies). β-Cell mass was calculated as the product of pancreas weight before fixation and the ratio of insulin positive/total pancreas cross-sectional area.

Statistical analysis

All data are presented as mean±s.e.m. and P<0.05 was deemed significant. GraphPad Prism 6 (GraphPad Software Inc, La Jolla, CA, USA) was used for statistical analysis. Student’s t-tests were performed to determine statistical significance between the LCHFD and chow groups. When multiple t-tests were performed, the Holm–Sidak method was used to correct for multiple comparisons. When data from repeated measures were analyzed, for example, from weekly blood glucose/body weight measurements or GTT curves, or fasting and re-fed conditions, two-way analysis of variance performed and Sidak’s multiple comparison test was used to analyse multiple comparisons between the two experimental groups.

If you have pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance), your blood sugar (glucose) is raised beyond the normal range but it is not so high that you have diabetes. However, if you have pre-diabetes, you are at increased risk of developing diabetes. You are also at increased risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, peripheral arterial disease and stroke (cardiovascular diseases). If pre-diabetes is treated, it can help to prevent the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The most effective treatment is lifestyle changes, including eating a healthy balanced diet, losing weight if you are overweight, and doing regular physical activity.
After you eat, various foods are broken down in your gut into sugars. The main sugar is called glucose which passes through your gut wall into your bloodstream. However, to remain healthy, your blood glucose level should not go too high or too low.
So, when your blood glucose level begins to rise (after you eat), the level of a hormone called insulin should also rise. Insulin works on the cells of your body and makes them take in glucose from the bloodstream. Some of the glucose is used by the cells for energy and some is converted into stores of energy (glycogen or fat).
When the blood glucose level begins to fall (between meals), the level of insulin falls. Some glycogen or fat is then converted back into glucose which is released from the cells into the bloodstream.
Insulin is a hormone that is made by cells called beta cells. These are part of little islands of cells (islets) within the pancreas. Hormones are chemicals that are released into the bloodstream and work on various parts of the body.
Your blood sugar (glucose) level literally refers to the amount of glucose in your blood. A normal blood glucose level ranges between about 4 and 8 millimoles per litre (mmol/L). Blood glucose levels may be at the higher end of the range after eating and at the lower end of the range first thing in the morning.
If your blood glucose is measured by a blood test when you have not been fasting, this is called a random blood glucose level. If your blood glucose is measured after you have been fasting, this is called a fasting blood glucose level. A normal fasting blood glucose level is less than 6 mmol/L.
Note: the terms blood sugar and blood glucose mean the same thing.
Diabetes mellitus (just called diabetes from now on) occurs when the level of glucose in the blood becomes higher than normal. There are two main types of diabetes - type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is much more common than type 1 diabetes.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that someone may have diabetes if they have:
  • A fasting blood glucose of 7 mmol/L or more; or
  • A blood glucose of 11.1 mmol/L or more after a two-hour oral glucose tolerance test (see below).
The WHO now recommends that a different blood test called glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) can be used as an alternative to glucose blood tests to diagnose type 2 diabetes. HbA1c levels of 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) or above indicate that someone has type 2 diabetes. See separate leaflet called Tests for Blood Sugar (Glucose) and HbA1c for more details.

Type 1 diabetes

In type 1 diabetes the beta cells in the pancreas stop making insulin. The illness and symptoms develop quickly (over days or weeks) because the level of insulin in the bloodstream becomes very low. Type 1 diabetes used to be known as juvenile, early-onset, or insulin-dependent diabetes. It usually first develops in children or in young adults. Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injections and diet. See separate leaflet called Type 1 Diabetes for more details.

Type 2 diabetes

With type 2 diabetes, the illness and symptoms tend to develop gradually (over weeks or months). This is because in type 2 diabetes you still make insulin (unlike in type 1 diabetes). However, you develop diabetes because:
  • You do not make enough insulin for your body's needs.
  • Or, the cells in your body do not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. The cells in your body become resistant to normal levels of insulin. This means that you need more insulin than you would normally make to keep the blood glucose level down.
  • Or, a combination of the above two reasons.
See separate leaflet called Type 2 Diabetes for more details.
If you have pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance), your blood sugar (glucose) is raised beyond the normal range but it is not so high that you have diabetes. However, if you have pre-diabetes you are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Between 1 and 3 out of every 4 people with pre-diabetes will develop diabetes within ten years.
It is also thought that having pre-diabetes increases your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, peripheral arterial disease and stroke (cardiovascular diseases). Also, people who have pre-diabetes are more likely also to have other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, raised cholesterol levels, being overweight, etc. See separate leaflets called Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases and Cardiovascular Health Risk Assessment for more details.
The WHO defines someone as having pre-diabetes if they have:
  • A fasting blood glucose of less than 7 mmol/L.
  • And, a blood glucose of 7.8 mmol/L or more but less than 11.1 mmol/L after a two-hour oral glucose tolerance test (see below).
However, the glucose tolerance test is rarely used now. The most commonly used test to identify pre-diabetes is now the HbA1c blood test. The WHO has recommended that an HbA1c blood test level of 42−47 mmol/mol (6.0-6.5%) indicates a high risk of diabetes.
The WHO has also said that someone has impaired fasting glycaemia if they have:
  • A fasting blood glucose between 6.1 to 6.9 mmol/L.
  • And, a blood glucose of less than 7.8 mmol/L after a two-hour oral glucose tolerance test (see below).
If you have impaired fasting glycaemia, you are also thought to have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is also increased but this seems to be lower than if you have pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance). The rest of this leaflet is about pre-diabetes.
Many people have pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) and because there are no symptoms, they do not know that they have it. Diabetes UK estimates that around seven million people in the UK have pre-diabetes.
Pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) develops for the same reasons as type 2 diabetes (see above). There are various things that can increase your risk of developing pre-diabetes. They are the same risk factors as those for type 2 diabetes. They include:
  • Being overweight or obese (most people with pre-diabetes are overweight or obese).
  • Having a family history of diabetes. This refers to a close family member with diabetes - a mother, father, brother or sister.
  • Doing little physical activity.
  • Having other risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.
  • If a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome and is also overweight.
  • If you developed diabetes during pregnancy (called gestational diabetes).
People with pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) usually have no symptoms. You are often found to have pre-diabetes after blood tests taken for another reason show that you have a raised blood sugar (glucose) level. Sometimes, your doctor may suggest that a screening blood test should be taken to check your blood glucose because they are worried that you may have some risk factors for pre-diabetes or diabetes. For example, if you have high cholesterol levels, are overweight or have high blood pressure, or if you have had a heart attack or stroke, your doctor may suggest that you have a blood test to check your blood glucose.
Pre-diabetes is now most often diagnosed using a blood test called HbA1c. See separate leaflet called Tests for Blood Sugar (Glucose) and HbA1c for more details. An HbA1c value of 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) or above is recommended as the blood level for diagnosing diabetes. People with an HbA1c level of 42-47 mmol/mol (6.0-6.5%) are often said to have pre-diabetes because they are at increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Another test to diagnose pre-diabetes is the glucose tolerance but this is much less often used now. See separate leaflet called Glucose Tolerance Test for further details.
There is increasing evidence that if pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance) is treated, the progression to diabetes can be prevented. Also, it may be possible to prevent cardiovascular disease from developing. So, it is important to know if you have pre-diabetes and to treat it in order to reduce your risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Treatments that have been suggested include lifestyle changes and treatments with medicines.
It is also very important to have a regular blood test to recheck your blood sugar (glucose) level in case you develop diabetes. The frequency of the blood test will vary but you should discuss this with your doctor. A blood glucose test at least once each year is usually recommended.

Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes have been found to be the most effective way to stop pre-diabetes from developing into diabetes. Losing weight if you are overweight, and increasing your levels of physical activity, can help to reduce insulin resistance and therefore make the insulin that is produced more effective at controlling your blood glucose levels.
If you have pre-diabetes, you should:
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet. Your practice nurse and/or a dietician will give details on how to eat a healthy diet. The diet is the same as recommended for everyone. The idea that you need special foods if you have pre-diabetes or diabetes is a myth. Basically, you should aim to eat a diet low in fat, high in fibre and with plenty of starchy foods, fruit and vegetables. See separate leaflet called Healthy Eating.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight. Getting to a perfect weight is unrealistic for many people. However, if you are overweight or obese then losing some weight will help to reduce your blood glucose level (and have other health benefits too). See separate leaflet called Weight Reduction - How to Lose Weight.
  • Do some physical activity regularly. If you are able, a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity at least five times a week is advised. For example, walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, dancing. Ideally you should do an activity that makes you at least mildly out of breath and mildly sweaty. You can spread the activity over the day. (For example, two 15-minute spells of brisk walking, cycling, dancing, etc per day.) Regular physical activity also reduces your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Always check with your doctor that it is safe to start exercising if you have been inactive for a long period. See separate leaflet called Physical Activity For Health.
There are also other lifestyle changes that you can make to reduce your cardiovascular disease risk. These include:
  • Stopping smoking if you are a smoker.
  • Ensuring that you stick to the recommended alcohol intake. See separate leaflet called Recommended Safe Limits of Alcohol for more details.
Also, make sure that your blood pressure stays within the normal range. Have your blood pressure checked regularly with your practice nurse.
Also, discuss with your doctor or practice nurse if you need a cholesterol check and/or treatment to lower your cholesterol level.

Treatments with medicines

A number of medical trials have looked at the use of various treatments with medicines for people with pre-diabetes to see if they can help to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Medicines that have been trialled include metformin, acarbose, a group of medicines called angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and another group of medicines called angiotensin-II receptor antagonists.
Lifestyle changes (as indicated above) are the most important thing if you are found to have pre-diabetes. However, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended that metformin should be used if a lifestyle-change programme isn't successful or isn't possible because of a disability or medical reasons. A medicine called orlistat may also be recommended to help lose weight and therefore reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
If you are found to have pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance), it is important that you be followed up regularly by your doctor. This will usually mean a blood test to check your fasting blood sugar (glucose) level at least once a year. This is to make sure that you have not developed diabetes. Your doctor is also likely to keep a check on any other risk factors that you may have for cardiovascular disease. So, they may monitor your weight and your blood pressure and also suggest a blood test to check your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
In the meantime, if you develop any symptoms of diabetes, you should visit your doctor sooner. Symptoms include excess thirst, passing large amounts of urine, tiredness, weight loss and feeling generally unwell. Symptoms tend to develop quite slowly, over weeks or months.
The same things that can help prevent type 2 diabetes can help prevent pre-diabetes (impaired glucose tolerance). These include:
  • Eating a healthy balanced diet.
  • Losing weight if you are overweight.
  • Doing some physical activity regularly.

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