Sunday, January 24, 2016

7 Essential Oils for Back Pain


Back pain and backaches are an all too common complaint for people in the modern age.
No it’s not new (we’ve always dealt with back issues), but it’s a challenge we humans face that gets exacerbated by todays lifestyles.
There’s a wide variety of conditions associated with back pain complaints, including:
Millions of working days are lost each year due to a variety of pains and disorders of the back.
Back pain comes along uninvited, but it does not have to stay; regardless of what you may be have told.
Whether your back pain comes from a specific misalignment of the spine – like a slipped disc, or simply from prolonged strain – there are ways to find resolution to your pain and discomfort.
The spine is one of the most important parts of the body and needs to be cared for. Luckily, essential oils can help your back pain feel better.
In this post you’ll learn a great deal about how you can apply essential oils to improve your back pain.
But you might find that the most important takeaway will come from the additional recommendations about changing your lifestyle to support your spine.
It’s important to remember that you’ll need to fix what brought about the pain in the first place to really stop the pain at it’s root to feel lasting relief from back issues.
(Clue: slouching over a keyboard for 52 weeks in a year could lead to trouble. If you keep it up, you’ll likely experience only temporary respite from back pain using essential oils.)
More on that later.
For now let’s cover essential oils – which provide a fantastic solution for flare ups of back pain.
Table of Contents [show]

7 Essential Oils for Back Pain

The 7 essential oils below are tried and true aids to relieving bodily discomfort. If you use even just a few of these oils for your back pain you will be in better shape.

1.) Marjoram

Marjoram is a great oil for back pain because it is warming, soothing and eases the joints and muscles. It’s also emotionally calming, stress easing and generally soothing. It reduces inflammation as well (great for arthritis).

2.) Basil

Basil is an ideal oil for tight muscles. It helps relax and loosen up any muscular tension wherever applied. Basil is also a great oil for the nerves / mental fatigue. In cases of neuritis it’s a highly recommended oil to rub into the spine, lower back and up into the neck area.

3.) Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a warming, soothing oil that contains some strong anti-inflammatory qualities. These anti-inflammatory properties, paired with its strong analgesic effect make it effective at relieving aches, pains and stiffness.

4.) Ginger

Another warming oil, ginger essential oil is perfectly fit for application on sore, tired, and painful back muscles. It’s quite effective for tightness, rheumatism and arthritic conditions. If you experience discomfort and/or any spasms make sure to have ginger on hand.

5.) Lavender

Lavender is a wonderful all-around oil. This oil is particularly indicated for use in cases of stress, restlessness, hyperactivity, fatigue and anxiety. While not as warming or hot as some of the other  oils listed above, lavender still contains some powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities that are great for backaches.

6.) Peppermint

Peppermint is a refreshing and uplifting oil that contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties (notice a theme here?). You’re probably familiar with peppermint oil and have some on hand. It’s great stuff!

7.) Rosemary

Rosemary, like lavender, is another great all around oil. It’s effective for aches, pains, arthritis, among many other things. It’s analgesic and tonic qualities make it a top rated oil for backaches.

Honorable mention EO’s for back pain/sciatica

The following oils listed below are all also great options for backpain. Use them if you have them!
  1. Anise
  2. Peruvian Balsam
  3. Clove
  4. Cypress
  5. Fennel
  6. Geranium
  7. Niaouli
  8. Nutmeg
  9. Thyme
  10. Camphor
  11. Chamomile
  12. Vetiver
  13. Benzoin
  14. Juniper
  15. Angelica
  16. Oregano
  17. Sage

Essential Oil Back Formulas and Blends for Back Pain

3 Synergistic essential oil formulas for back pain

Below are your bread and butter blends that you could make up for regular back pain treatment.
Most of the oils in these blends are common and there’s a good chance that you will already have them in your EO collection.

Formula 1

Formula 2

Formula 3

For each formula combine your essential oils with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil ().
The best way to apply essential oils for back aches and pains is via massage. It’s best if you can get a massage from a friend or done professionally, but if not you could still do a good job of self massaging your lower back.
The upper back is a a bit more challenging for self massage, but it’s good to at least apply the oils onto your skin – even if you can’t reach to give yourself a full on massage.
TIP: You can use aids to more thoroughly self massage your back (especially the upper back). I recommend absorbing your massage blend into a back a massage loofah (like this one) and using the pressure it provides to get the oils absorbed deeply into your skin.
TIP #2: Another great massage aid is to use ice. This is especially helpful for those with upper back complaints, especially those afflicted with lumbago, sciatica and fibrositis. For an ice massage simply freeze water in wax paper cups or styrofoam cups. Once your water freezes simply cut the tops of the cup down so that the ice is left protruding. Apply your massage oil and rub with ice over the sore areas in circular movements.

EO massage blend for a slipped disc

A slipped (or ruptured) disc occurs when there is a break in the ligaments surrounding a vertebrae (disc).
When these happen you should check in with a doctor.
But in the meantime there are some things that you can do to ease the discomfort and relieve your spine.
For the first three days after a slipped/ruptured disc occurs you should treat the area with ice intermittently throughout the day.
After three days have passed you can apply the following massage oil directly to the area. But be sure to apply it very gently!

Slipped disc massage blend:

Apply it throughout the day.
TIP: If you’re still uncomfortable you might consider applying hot and cold presses using a cloth and hot and cold water, alternating between the two. For added effect you can put 2 drops each of basil and peppermint essential oil on the compress. Follow up your hot or cold compress with a gentle massage treatment. Three times a day is a good amount, but even just once should help.

EO treatments for an general (acute) back strain

If you’re dealing with an acute muscle strain in your back you can follow the same directions above from the slipped disc recommendations.
But in the case of an acute strain it’s recommended that in the first few days after your injury that you hold an ice bag wrapped in a towel against the affected area for 10 minutes at a time. Do this intermittently throughout the day.

EO treatments for Lumbago (painful lower back condition)

For lumbago I have a blend that is best applied with massage and in the bath.
  1. In a 5mL glass dropper bottle combine your essential oils
  2. Shake to blend

Ways to use your Lumbago blend

As a cool compress:

  1. In a small (non-reactive) bowl combine 2 cups of cold water with 12 drops of your lumbago blend
  2. Stir water and oils well
  3. Soak a cloth in the mixture. Wring out your cloth so it doesn’t drip but is fully saturated
  4. Apply your cold cloth compress to the painful areas of your lower back
  5. Apply once every two hours, alternating in cold packs inbetween


  1. In a small (non-reactive) bowl combine 4 tsp (20mL) grapeseed or sweet almond oil with 8 drops of your Lumbago blend
  2. Mix together well and massage over your back

In the bath:

  1. Fill your tub with warm water
  2. While the tub is filling combine 1 tsp milk and 4-6 drops of your Lumbago blend in a non-reactive bowl
  3. Add the milk and oils to your tub once it’s filled
  4. Agitate the water to disperse the oil/milk mix
  5. Soak in the tub for 20 minutes (or more, if desired).
  6. Rub any floating droplets of oil into your skin

EO treatments for Sciatica

Sciatic pain is any pain or discomfort localized to the sciatic nerve.
Sciatica can be felt in the buttocks, behind the hip joint, down the back and front of the thighs – all the way down to the calf and into the foot.
Sciatica is often caused by poor posture (especially while sitting) over time.

Sciatica Massage Blend

  1. In a 5mL glass dropper bottle combine your essential oils
  2. Shake to blend
TIP: If the pain is severe massage should limited. With severe pain likely comes inflammation – so cooling treatments like cold compresses are recommended.

Ways to use your Sciatica massage blend

In the bath

  1. Fill your tub with warm water
  2. While the tub is filling combine 1 tsp milk and 4-6 drops of your Sciatica blend in a non-reactive bowl
  3. Add the milk and oils to your tub once it’s filled
  4. Agitate the water to disperse the oil/milk mix
  5. Soak in the tub for 20 minutes (or more, if desired).
  6. Rub any floating droplets of oil into your skin
  1. In a small, non-reactive bowl combine 4 tsp (20mL) grapeseed or calendula-infused oil and 12 drops of your sciatica massage blend
  2. Mix well and massage over your back after inflammation has gone down some

Additional (Non-Essential Oil) Recommendations for Back Pain & Backaches

Sae Arc Lumbar & Back Stretcher

The Sae Arc is a minimalist, yet highly effective tool for the back. To use it you simply lay on it
It’s made up of a curved, arched piece of wood which reduces your back pain by allowing your back/spine to self-align using your body weight. It’s good for both upper and lower back and great for reducing the pain of compressed discs.
Using it can be a bit uncomfortable – at first; especially if your back is particularly tweaked. But over time (daily use) you will eventually feel much more comfortable while lying on the Sae Arc.
I started using it with the recommended 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening directions. The Sae Arc was not comfortable at first, I must say, even with the foam padding (Note: the Japanese version doesn’t even have the padding!). But over time I started to look forward to laying down on this funny piece of wood. I even fell asleep on it once! (Not recommended.)
The best part really is the simplicity of it. It’s just a board.. but when you lay down on it you’ll engage every joint in your spine – from neck to tail bone – giving your back a gentle, straightening push.
All in all this is a pretty good tool for those with back issues, and even those who don’t have back problems (yet). My whole family likes to use it. Prevention is the best medicine!
Tip: if you’re at the computer a lot you can use it as lumbar support in your chair. This is what I do as I write these articles!

Shiatsu Massage Pillow (with heat)

This is another highly effective (and inexpensive) gadget for your back. I was kind of skeptical myself about a “massage pillow” at first. But this massage pillow is the real deal!
Now, nothing beats a real massage.. but they are pricey and can be tough to work into a busy schedule. This pillow offers you a nice, deep massage in the comfort of your home (or car) anytime you want. It’s really convenient.
When I first got my pillow I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting much in the way of strength / kneading power. But the motor in this little guy really kicks, which surprised me.
Laying with all of my body weight (using some fine-tuned additional pillow adjustments to make it comfortable) I was instantly impressed just how much this things digs into your muscles using it’s four massage “nodes”. I didn’t realize just how much my tight muscles and ligaments were playing a role in my back discomfort. Now that I’ve used this pillow, teamed with some topical essential oil blends for the back, I’m feeling a lot better.
The heat from the pillow (takes a few minutes to really warm up) was great too. Especially with the essential oils.
All in all a shiatsu massage pillow is a really handy tool for your back, neck, shoulders, legs, head, butt, feet… anywhere in need of relief.  Careful – you might get addicted to this thing! It’s a hard thing to share with the family when you want to use it all the time… haha.
Tip: this is a great way to make use of our essential oil knowledge! Using an oil blend and a cold compress before/during/after getting massaged by this pillow is very nice a relieving for the back. Also heavenly on the feet. Try it!


So there we have it. Some essential oils, some ways to use them and some complementary tools to get your back feeling better and get you feeling more mobile and at ease.
While this post covered a lot of ways to reduce the pain and get you feeling better now, we didn’t touch on prevention or dive into ways to seriously treat your condition (to prevent it from recurring).
Essential oils are great for pain management and soothing discomfort associated with backaches – but you’ll want to keep learning about your condition if you want to be free from back pain for good!
Asthma is a long-term lung disease. The airways in the lungs become inflamed and swollen, causing the airways to tighten. This makes it difficult for air to pass through and for the person to breath.
According to The American Lung Association, nearly 26 million Americans have asthma, including more than 7 million children. It is the third leading cause of hospitalization among children.
There is no cure for asthma at present, but there are many treatment plans that can help people lead normal lives. Although there is a variety of asthma medicines on the market, some people prefer more natural treatment options.
Many people looking for a natural and more cost-effective treatment option have turned to essential oils. This article will look at the use of essential oils to treat asthma, along with other treatments for the condition.
Contents of this article:
  1. What is asthma?
  2. Natural essential oils for asthma
  3. Other treatments for asthma

What is asthma?

Asthma makes breathing difficult, which can lead to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. This sequence of events is referred to as an asthma flare-up or an asthma attack.
A woman is having trouble breathing.
Common symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness.
It is not known what causes asthma, but some people are more at risk of developing the disease than others. It is not uncommon for asthma to run in families and for environmental factors to play a role.
Exposure to dust, chemicals, or irritants in the workplace can increase the risk for asthma. Damage from respiratory infections during infancy or early childhood as well as bad allergies can lead to asthma.
An asthma attack can happen at any time and anywhere. There are certain situations where people are more likely to have an asthma attack, however. These cause the following types of asthma:
  • Exercise-induced asthma
  • Occupational asthma
  • Allergy-induced asthma
Exposure to any type of irritant can cause allergies to flare up or simply irritate the respiratory system, triggering an asthma attack.

Natural essential oils for asthma

The therapeutic capabilities of essential oils are nothing new and may be helpful for some people with asthma. The following oils have some evidence to suggest a health benefit for people with asthma:
  • Peppermint: One of the common causes of asthma attacks is exposure to allergens that trigger the release of a compound called histamine. Peppermint can help to stop the release of histamine in the body. A substance called methanol is present in peppermint and can relieve stuffy or blocked noses, which can help people with asthma to breathe better.
  • Lavender: This essential oil is used for a variety of things. It has natural sedative and anti-inflammatory characteristics that may help people with asthma fight inflammation.
  • Eucalyptus: Research suggests that eucalyptus oil may have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Tea tree oil: This essential oil helps by reducing inflammation. In doing so, tea tree oil can help reduce the body's allergic response.
  • Roman chamomile: Another essential oil with anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help part of the lungs called the bronchus to relax as well as relieve coughing.

Using essential oils

There are three common ways that people with asthma can use essential oils.
  • Aromatically: Some essential oils such as lavender and eucalyptus can bring relief through inhalation. Diffusing essential oils into the air could also help to purify the air and get rid of potential allergens.
  • Topically: Essential oils can be absorbed through the skin. People should be sure to research the oils properly as some must be mixed together to avoid skin irritation.
  • Internally: Some essential oils are available as supplements and can be taken internally. Not only are essential oils a natural way for people to treat asthma symptoms but they can also help patients avoid side effects from allergy shots or other medications.

Risks and considerations

People should always be careful when using essential oils. They may not be a good fit for every person with asthma. Some oils can give off a strong odor that can trigger asthma symptoms and attacks.
A bottle of eucalyptus oil with some leaves.
Essential oils can cause an asthma attack in people who are easily triggered by strong smells or chemicals.
Essential oils are not recommended for people with asthma who are very sensitive to smells and whose symptoms are easily triggered by them.
People should make sure that the fragrance does not cause a problem before using any essential oil. Some essential oils can also irritate the skin, so people should test a few drops on the skin first.
Oils should always be diluted because they can cause skin rashes when pure. Essential oils should not be given to children without a consulting a doctor. They can cause skin irritation, and some of them contain some strong ingredients that are not child-friendly.
Though some people with asthma have had success with essential oils, they are not a replacement for medical care. Research studies are being carried out, but there is no firm evidence that proves essential oils are a reliable treatment option.
Asthma patients should take any medicine prescribed by their doctor and go for regular checkups. If anyone experiences any asthma symptoms that do not seem to go away or get worse, they should see a doctor. There is no cure for asthma and, left untreated, it can be very dangerous.

Other treatments for asthma

To diagnose asthma, a medical doctor will perform a series of tests. They will carry out a complete physical exam and obtain the patient's medical history. Other possible tests to diagnose asthma include:
  • Lung function tests
  • Allergy testing
  • Imaging tests
After a doctor diagnoses asthma, they will prescribe medication to help control the problem. There are several medicines commonly prescribed including:
  • Bronchodilators: These relax the muscles around the airways
  • Anti-inflammatories: Commonly referred to as corticosteroids or steroids, these reduce the swelling and mucus inside the airways
  • Antibiotics: These can treat attacks caused by bacterial infections
Some people have well-controlled asthma that does not cause many problems. Others may experience attacks that can be severe and even life-threatening. Asthma medicines do not cure asthma but they do help to improve symptoms. As a result, it is important to follow a doctor's orders.
Though effective, some of these medicines can cause some unpleasant side effects and can be expensive.

Preventing asthma from getting worse

People cannot always prevent asthma but there are things they can do to keep it from getting worse. It is vital to follow a doctor's prescribed treatment plan.
A woman is using an asthma inhaler.
There are several medicines that doctors commonly prescribe to treat asthma.
Essentials oils may be a helpful treatment but people should always consult a doctor before using them. They are not recommended for some patients such as pregnant women.
People should also stay up to date with influenza and pneumonia vaccinations. These illnesses can trigger attacks. Identifying and avoiding things that can possibly trigger asthma attacks is also important. These can include certain foods, pets, and chemicals.
Those with asthma who have been approved to use essential oils can use them to supplement their current treatment. They can be helpful in relieving some asthma symptoms but should be used with caution and extreme care.
People with asthma should always pay attention to their breathing to learn to recognize their asthma attack warning signs. If an attack comes on, they should be sure to treat it immediately. Asthma is dangerous and quick response and treatment could be the difference between life and death.

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