Thursday, December 29, 2016

Fewer Kids Visited ERs for Asthma After Indoor Smoking Bans

Dec. 28, 2016 — Emergency rooms in communities with indoor smoking bans reported a 17 percent decrease in the number of children needing care for asthma attacks, according to new ... read more

Hospital ICUs Overused

Dec. 27, 2016 — ICUs are being used too often for patients who don’t need that level of care, according a new ... read more

Novel Insights Into Neuronal Activity-Dependent Gene Expression by CREB

Dec. 27, 2016 — Researchers have investigated how neuronal activity influences cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) ... read more

Dec. 27, 2016 — Scientists report a new molecular mechanism that could explain the cause of some autoimmune ...

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