Thursday, December 29, 2016

Stressed at Work  Higher Risk of Stroke


It’s already known that stress from work can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, particularly high blood pressure and heart disease. But a recent study now links work stress to an increased risk of stroke, especially for women. Dimensions of work
In the study, researchers in China compiled data from six studies with 138,782 participants. The researchers evaluated the link between job stress and future stroke risk. The researchers looked at two dimensions of work called psychological job demand and job control.
Psychological job demand means a worker’s time pressure, mental load and level of responsibilities.  Job control is your control over decisions.
The researchers found that jobs with high demands and low control, such as waitress or nurses aide, were associated with a 22 percent increased risk of stroke compared with jobs with low demand and high control, such as architect or natural scientist.
The results were more pronounced for ischemic stroke, a type of stroke that is caused by a blood clot. Women were at greatest risk.
Neither jobs with high demand and high control, such as teacher or engineer, nor those with low demand and low control, such as manual labor jobs, were associated with an increased risk of stroke compared with the low strain jobs. RELATED: Predicting Your Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke

Stress as a risk factor

The study, which appears in the journal Neurology, adds to the evidence that stress is harmful to your health and should be taken seriously, says stroke specialist Irene Katzan, MD.
“This adds to the evidence that stress is a risk factor for stroke and, specifically in this study, stress related to your job,” Dr. Katzan says.
Experts believe it’s possible that stress may cause inflammation in the body. This then can lead to stroke or heart attack.
RELATED: Got Stress? How You Can Start Dealing With It Now Simple ways to de-stress at work
For many of us, stress at work is inescapable. But there are strategies you can use to lessen the strain, Dr. Katzan says. The most important is to develop healthy eating habits and do some activity every day.
Stress may lead to unhealthy behaviors, Dr. Katzan says.
“If your job is stressful, be mindful of your blood pressure, eat healthy foods and get exercise,” Dr. Katzan says.
You also can take steps while on the job to take the tension down a notch. Here are some simple ways you can de-stress on the job:
  • Breathe deeply to supply much-needed oxygen to the brain
  • Get up and move several times during the workday
  • Liven up your workspace with plants and soft colors
  • Focus on one thing at a time, and recognize it when you finish tasks  Debbie Reynolds died Wednesday evening after being rushed to the hospital after apparently suffering a stroke, the family announced. Her daughter Carrie Fisher had died the day before. Reynolds was 84.Original story: Debbie Reynolds, the mother of the late Carrie Fisher, who was best known for her role as Princess Leia in Star Wars, was rushed to the ER a day after her daughter's heart attack death. Reynolds reportedly suffered a stroke while planning Fisher's funeral arrangements with her son Todd in Beverly Hills, according to TMZ. Reynold's hospitalization spotlighted questions about the toll that grief takes on the body, and whether stress can cause a stroke.
    The iconic Hollywood star has reportedly been distraught since Fisher's cardiac emergency on a United flight from London to Los Angeles on Friday. On Christmas Day, the 84-year-old actress took to social media, and tweeted:

    Reynolds' stroke may have possibly been induced by the loss of her daughter and the emotional stress. The loss of a spouse or partner has been previously linked with the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke. Harvard researchers believe emotional stress can wreak havoc with the sympathetic nervous system, and that can lead to cardiovascular complications. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for priming the body's fight-or-flight response.
    Debbie Reynolds reportedly suffers stroke one day after Carrie Fisher's death. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain
    Keep in mind, while the association between bereavement and cardiovascular issues is between spouses or partners, it's possible the emotional stress brought on by Fisher’s death led to Reynolds' stroke. Blood pressure, heart rate, and blood clotting are susceptible to changes brought on by stress.
    Read More: Carrie Fisher's Heart Attack Death Raises Questions On Effects
    Other research reported in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke, has found chronic stress in life, increases the risk of older people having a stroke or a transient ischemic attack — a stroke that lasts only a few minutes. Stress and negative emotions can have more adverse effects on the body.
    The two were photographed at the SAG Awards back in January 2015.

    Reynolds and Fisher's relationship hasn't been the best of mother-daughter bonds. Reynolds admitted in an interview with People :
    “It’s very hard when your child doesn’t want to talk to you and you want to talk to them, and you want to touch them, you want to hold them,” said Reynolds. “It was a total estrangement. She didn’t talk to me for probably 10 years. So that was the most difficult time of all. Very painful, very heartbreaking.”
    But the two appeared to have become close in recent years.
    While social and family connections are good for your health, losing someone close to you brings a special kind of pain — emotional and physical as well.

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