Thursday, December 29, 2016

13 Best Essential Oil Treatments for Asthma


Asthma is a common inflammatory medical condition, which affects the airways of the lungs. In this disease, the airways become narrow and swallow, and produce extra mucus. The person who suffers from asthma may get symptoms like coughing, wheezing, tightness and pain in the chest, difficulty in breathing, sleep problem, etc.
For some people, the symptoms may occur sometimes in a day and stay for few minutes but for some others, it occurs frequently and throughout the day. In such cases, it just makes the life difficult. Sometimes the situation becomes worst and leads to a severe asthma attack, which may become life threatening.
There is no permanent cure for asthma but you can get relief by preventing its symptoms. There are many medicines available in the market to treat the symptoms of asthma quickly. But as asthma is a long-term disease, it will be wise if you go for home remedies like using essential oils to treat asthma. The essential oils with many medicinal properties treat asthma successfully

How Essential Oils Help Treat Asthma

The person who suffers from asthma gets extremely irritable bronchi. In this condition, the muscles around the bronchi get tightened and this obstructs the air to flow through them. Apart from that the bronchial cells produce excessive mucus, which makes the matter worst and the patient starts coughing and feels difficulty in breathing.
In the case of asthma, essential oils with their medicinal properties relax the muscles around the bronchi by reducing the irritation and inflammation of the bronchi. This, in turn, allows the air to flow through the airways freely. It also reduces the excessive mucus production.

How to Use Essential Oils for Asthma Relief

There are various essential oils, such as eucalyptus, peppermint, oregano, lavender, thyme, clove, etc., which can be used to treat asthma. Different essential oils have different medicinal properties that help to reduce the symptoms of asthma successfully.Let’s know about those amazing essential oils for asthma!

1. Clove Essential Oil

The analgesic, anti-inflammatory and spasmodic property of clove oil helps the asthma patient to breathe properly. It reduces the inflammation of the bronchi as well as clears the blocked mucus. Its use gives an instant relief to the asthma patient.

Method 1

What You Need:
  • Clove Essential Oil – 5 to 6 drops
  • Almond Oil/Jojoba Oil– 1 tsp
  1. In a small bowl take the clove essential oil and add the almond oil to it.
  2. Mix both the oils and massage this oil on the chest of the patient for 5 minutes.
  3. It will give much relief to the asthma patient.
Note: Clove oils cannot be applied directly as it can cause skin irritation. So you need to add any carrier oil like almond oil or jojoba oil to dilute it before applying it on your skin.

Method 2

What You Need:
  • Clove Essential Oil – 10 drops
  • Any Carrier Oil – 2 tbsp
  • An Oil Diffuser or Vaporizer
  1. Take 2 tbsp of ay carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil in a small bowl.
  2. Add 10 drops of clove essential oil to it and mix properly.
  3. Now use this oil either in a vaporizer or in an oil diffuser.
  4. This remedy will give you relief from asthma by reducing the related symptoms.

2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

The strong aroma of eucalyptus oil helps to clear away the blocked airways for smooth air flow. It also thins out the mucus in the nasal passage, thus gives the asthma patient the
much-needed relief.  Also, the antihistamine property of the eucalyptus oil makes the body immune to asthma-causing allergens like pet fur, dust, mold, etc.

What You Need:
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil – 8 to 10 drops
  • Hot Water – 1 big bowl
  • A Towel
  1. Take a big bowl of hot water and add the eucalyptus oil to it.
  2. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam.
  3. This method will expand the constricted airways and relax the lung spasms.
  4.  Follow this method 2 to 3 times a day to get rid of asthma symptoms.
Note: People suffering from high blood pressure should not use eucalyptus for asthma.

3. Lavender Essential Oil

The anti-inflammatory properties of lavender essential oil treat asthma by reducing the bronchial allergic inflammation. Its use also helps the suffering person to resist the further asthma attacks by strengthening the immune system, stimulating the blood circulation, improving digestion and treating other respiratory problems like sinus congestion, bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, etc.
Method 1 
What You Need:
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 8 to 10 drops
  • Hot Water – 1 big bowl
  • A Towel
  1. Take a big bowl of hot water and 8 to 10 drops of lavender oil to it.
  2. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the lavender steam from the bowl.
  3. Doing this process will clear the airways and will promote airflow.
  4. Perform this method 2 to 3 times a day to get rid of the symptoms of asthma.
  5. Doing this before going to bed will give a good sleep.

Method 2: Lavender and Eucalyptus Essential Oil Mix

What You Need:
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 5 drops
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil – 5 drops
  • A Cotton Ball
  1. Take both the oils in a small bowl and mix well.
  2. Now take a cotton ball and soak it in the mixed oil.
  3. Inhale this combination of essential oils. It will give you quick relief from asthma symptoms.

4.  Peppermint Oil Essential

The antispasmodic action of peppermint oil gives the much-needed relief to the asthma patient by relaxing the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract. Its use also helps the body to resist the symptoms of asthma attack. Peppermint oil proves helpful to treat exercise-induced asthma.
What You Need:
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – few drops
  • Cotton Ball – 1
  1. Take a cotton ball and add few drops of peppermint oil to it.
  2. Inhale the peppermint essential oil for 10 minutes.
  3. Inhaling this oil will alleviate breathing difficulties with its antispasmodic effect.
  4. It will also clear a stuffy nose, wheezing and coughing.
  5. You can also use this peppermint essential oil in an oil diffuser and keep by the side of your bed.
Note: Too much use of peppermint oil can cause side effects like heartburn and muscle tremor.

5. Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties. So its use treats the symptoms of asthma by reducing the inflammations of the cells in the bronchi and reducing the mucus.
What You Need:
  • Bergamot Essential Oil – 8 to 10 drops
  • A Steam Inhaler
  1. In a steam inhaler, boil the bergamot essential oil.
  2. 2.      Now inhale the steam to get some relief from the asthma symptoms.

6.  Oregano Essential Oil

The antifungal and antibacterial properties of oregano oil can very well fight the bacteria that cause asthma. The use of this oil will not only give you relief from the uneasiness of asthma but will also protect your body from getting affected by asthma again. It also treats the infection in the respiratory track.
What You Need:
  • Oregano Essential Oil – 25 drops
  • Water – 50 oz
  • Atomizer Bottle
  1. In the atomizer bottle, take 50oz of water.
  2. Add the oregano oil to it to make a mist spray.
  3. Now breathe the oregano oil mix to get rid of asthma symptoms.
  4. You can also take few drops of this oil and some water in an essential oil diffuser and use for asthma relief.

7. Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme essential oil contains loads of antibacterial, antiseptic, and expectorant properties which makes it a useful essential oil to treat asthma and its symptoms. So its use boosts the immune system, which in turn strengthens the respiratory system. It fights with the various symptoms of asthma like cough, cold, etc., successfully.
What We Need:
  • Thyme Essential Oil – 10 drops
  • Bergamot Essential Oil – 10 drops
  1. Mix both the oils and rub the mixed oil on the chest of the suffering person.
  2. You can also add few drops of thyme essential oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam to get its benefits for asthma cure.
  3. This inhalation will treat asthma by eliminating the breathing difficulties and decreasing wheezing.

8. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is most popularly used as a breathing aid for bronchitis sufferers. Working as an effective expectorant, it helps to remove the blocked mucus from the air passage, which causes wheezing and coughing.

Method 1

What You Need
  1. Tea Tree Essential Oil – 7 to 8 drops
  2. Any Carrier Oil – 1 tbsp
  1. Take any carrier oil like coconut or almond oil in a small bowl.
  2. Add the tea tree essential oil to it and mix properly.
  3. Rub this essential oil on the chest area of the patient during the night time to get rid of breathing difficulties.

Method 2

What You Need:
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil – few drops
  • Warm Water – 1 cup
  • A Face Cloth
  1. Take 1 cup of warm water and dip the face cloth in it.
  2. Wring the face cloth to remove the excess water.
  3. Pour a few drops of tea tree oil on the warm face cloth.
  4. Inhale the tea tree aroma from the warm face cloth to get rid of asthma symptoms.
  5. You can follow this method to get instant relief from breathing difficulties.
  6. Alternatively, you can also take a hot bath with this oil to get relief from the difficulties of asthma.

9. Frankincense Essential Oil

The anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense essential oil treat asthma successfully. It cleanses the nasal passage and lungs.

Method 1

What You Need:
  • Frankincense Essential Oil – 5 to 7 drops
  • Hot Water – 1 big bowl
  • Towel
  1. Take the hot water and add the frankincense essential oil to it.
  2. Cover your head with a towel and deeply inhale the steam.
  3. Taking this inhalation twice a day will give you effective results against asthma.
  4. You can also use this oil in a hot shower to get relief from asthma symptoms.

Method 2

What You Need:
  • Frankincense Essential Oil – 3 to 5drops
  • Any Carrier Oil – 1 tbsp
  1. Take any carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil and add 3 to 5 drops of frankincense essential oil to it.
  2. Mix both the oils well and rub this mixed essential oil on the chest of the asthma sufferer.
  3. You can also use 8 to 10 drops of this essential oil in an oil diffuser or vaporizer and keep it running throughout the day and night.

Method 3

What You Need:
  • Frankincense Essential Oil – 3 to 5drops
  • Any Carrier Oil – 1 tbsp
  • A Pair of Socks
  1. Take the frankincense essential oil and mix it in 1 tbsp of any carrier oil like almond or coconut oil.
  2. Mix both the oils and apply this mixed oil on the feet before going to bed during the allergy season.
  3. Cover your feet with a pair of socks.
  4. Follow this method every night during the allergy season to keep asthma at bay.

10. Roman Chamomile and Bergamot Essential Oil

The antispasmodic nature of Roman chamomile essential oil gives relief to asthma patients by relaxing the muscle contractions that constrict the bronchial passage in the asthma patients. It also works as a sedative. So its use calms the nerves and relieves stress that is associated with an asthma attack.
What You Need:
  • Roman Chamomile Essential Oil – 4 drops
  • Bergamot Essential Oil – 4 drops
  1. Take both the oils in a small bowl and mix properly.
  2. Now rub the oil on the chest and back of the asthma patient.
  3. This mixed oil will give relief to the asthma patient from both mild to severe asthma attacks.

11. Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Lavender Essential Oil Mix

This mixed oil with all its healing properties can give instant relief from the symptoms of asthma. At the same time, it can also protect the patient from the further asthma attack.
What You Need:
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – 8 drops
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil – 20 drops
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 28 drops
  1. Take all the three essential oils in a diffuser and blend well.
  2. Now pour this mixed oil to a diffuser to use it.
  3. It will give you great relief  the symptoms of asthma.

12. Lavender, Thyme and Peppermint Essential Oil Mix

This is another essential oil blend that can give much-needed relief to the asthma patient.
What You Need:
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 10 drops
  • Thyme Essential Oil – 10 drops
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – 10 drops
Process:In a small bowl mix all the three essential oils.
  1. Now, pour it to store it in a little bottle.
  2. Use three drops of this mixed oil in your shower, or in a diffuser.
  3. You can also pour few drops of this oil to a face cloth and inhale it from time to time to clear the air passage.

13. Peppermint, Lavender, Marjoram and Geranium Essential Oil Mix

Geranium essential oil with its antispasmodic properties relaxes the muscle contractions that constrict the bronchial passage in the asthma patients. It also offers a comforting effect on the inflamed muscles of the bronchi.  Like geranium essential oil, marjoram essential oil is loaded with antispasmodic properties and offers a soothing and warming effect to the air passage.
What You Need:
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 6 drops
  • Marjoram Essential Oil – 1 drop
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – 1 drop
  • Geranium Essential Oil – 4 drops
  • Grease – 1 ounce
  1. In a small bowl take all the essential oils and the grease and mix well.
  2. Take a warm shower and then rub this mixed oil on the chest and throat.
  3. Follow this method before going to bed to get the maximum results.

Cautions to Follow when Using Essential Oils for Asthma

  • Only use therapeutic grade essential oils for asthma as these are safe to be used on your body.
  • Do not use any essential oil directly on the skin. Dilute the essential oil with any carrier oil like coconut, jojoba, almond or olive oil before applying it on the skin to avoid skin rashes.
  • To avoid rancidity, mix essential oils with any carrier oil immediately before using them.
  • While trying the essential oils on children, always dilute it with any carrier oil and then apply it on their feet to avoid any serious side effects.
  • Do not use essential oil vaporizers in the room where people with breathing problem stay as it may worsen their condition.
  • Keep the essential oils away from the reach of the children.
  • Pregnant ladies should refrain from using essential oils.
  • As essential oils are flammable, they should not be used and kept near open flames.
  • The asthma patient should not swallow the essential oil as it is toxic and may cause severe allergic reactions.
  • The people who are allergic to strong aroma should be careful before using the essential oils as the strong scent of the essential oils may worsen the symptoms.
  • Consult your doctor before using any essential oils for asthma.
Essential oils work great to give relief to the suffering asthma patient. But if you experience any uneasiness or your condition deteriorates after using any of the essential oils, then it is advisable to consult the doctor immediately to seek further medical advice.
Asthma is a long-term lung disease. The airways in the lungs become inflamed and swollen, causing the airways to tighten. This makes it difficult for air to pass through and for the person to breath.
According to The American Lung Association, nearly 26 million Americans have asthma, including more than 7 million children. It is the third leading cause of hospitalization among children.
There is no cure for asthma at present, but there are many treatment plans that can help people lead normal lives. Although there is a variety of asthma medicines on the market, some people prefer more natural treatment options.
Many people looking for a natural and more cost-effective treatment option have turned to essential oils. This article will look at the use of essential oils to treat asthma, along with other treatments for the condition.
Contents of this article:
  1. What is asthma?
  2. Natural essential oils for asthma
  3. Other treatments for asthma

What is asthma?

Asthma makes breathing difficult, which can lead to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. This sequence of events is referred to as an asthma flare-up or an asthma attack.
A woman is having trouble breathing.
Common symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness.
It is not known what causes asthma, but some people are more at risk of developing the disease than others. It is not uncommon for asthma to run in families and for environmental factors to play a role.
Exposure to dust, chemicals, or irritants in the workplace can increase the risk for asthma. Damage from respiratory infections during infancy or early childhood as well as bad allergies can lead to asthma.
An asthma attack can happen at any time and anywhere. There are certain situations where people are more likely to have an asthma attack, however. These cause the following types of asthma:
  • Exercise-induced asthma
  • Occupational asthma
  • Allergy-induced asthma
Exposure to any type of irritant can cause allergies to flare up or simply irritate the respiratory system, triggering an asthma attack.

Natural essential oils for asthma

The therapeutic capabilities of essential oils are nothing new and may be helpful for some people with asthma. The following oils have some evidence to suggest a health benefit for people with asthma:
  • Peppermint: One of the common causes of asthma attacks is exposure to allergens that trigger the release of a compound called histamine. Peppermint can help to stop the release of histamine in the body. A substance called methanol is present in peppermint and can relieve stuffy or blocked noses, which can help people with asthma to breathe better.
  • Lavender: This essential oil is used for a variety of things. It has natural sedative and anti-inflammatory characteristics that may help people with asthma fight inflammation.
  • Eucalyptus: Research suggests that eucalyptus oil may have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Tea tree oil: This essential oil helps by reducing inflammation. In doing so, tea tree oil can help reduce the body's allergic response.
  • Roman chamomile: Another essential oil with anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help part of the lungs called the bronchus to relax as well as relieve coughing.

Using essential oils

There are three common ways that people with asthma can use essential oils.
  • Aromatically: Some essential oils such as lavender and eucalyptus can bring relief through inhalation. Diffusing essential oils into the air could also help to purify the air and get rid of potential allergens.
  • Topically: Essential oils can be absorbed through the skin. People should be sure to research the oils properly as some must be mixed together to avoid skin irritation.
  • Internally: Some essential oils are available as supplements and can be taken internally. Not only are essential oils a natural way for people to treat asthma symptoms but they can also help patients avoid side effects from allergy shots or other medications.

Risks and considerations

People should always be careful when using essential oils. They may not be a good fit for every person with asthma. Some oils can give off a strong odor that can trigger asthma symptoms and attacks.
A bottle of eucalyptus oil with some leaves.
Essential oils can cause an asthma attack in people who are easily triggered by strong smells or chemicals.
Essential oils are not recommended for people with asthma who are very sensitive to smells and whose symptoms are easily triggered by them.
People should make sure that the fragrance does not cause a problem before using any essential oil. Some essential oils can also irritate the skin, so people should test a few drops on the skin first.
Oils should always be diluted because they can cause skin rashes when pure. Essential oils should not be given to children without a consulting a doctor. They can cause skin irritation, and some of them contain some strong ingredients that are not child-friendly.
Though some people with asthma have had success with essential oils, they are not a replacement for medical care. Research studies are being carried out, but there is no firm evidence that proves essential oils are a reliable treatment option.
Asthma patients should take any medicine prescribed by their doctor and go for regular checkups. If anyone experiences any asthma symptoms that do not seem to go away or get worse, they should see a doctor. There is no cure for asthma and, left untreated, it can be very dangerous.

Other treatments for asthma

To diagnose asthma, a medical doctor will perform a series of tests. They will carry out a complete physical exam and obtain the patient's medical history. Other possible tests to diagnose asthma include:
  • Lung function tests
  • Allergy testing
  • Imaging tests
After a doctor diagnoses asthma, they will prescribe medication to help control the problem. There are several medicines commonly prescribed including:
  • Bronchodilators: These relax the muscles around the airways
  • Anti-inflammatories: Commonly referred to as corticosteroids or steroids, these reduce the swelling and mucus inside the airways
  • Antibiotics: These can treat attacks caused by bacterial infections
Some people have well-controlled asthma that does not cause many problems. Others may experience attacks that can be severe and even life-threatening. Asthma medicines do not cure asthma but they do help to improve symptoms. As a result, it is important to follow a doctor's orders.
Though effective, some of these medicines can cause some unpleasant side effects and can be expensive.

Preventing asthma from getting worse

People cannot always prevent asthma but there are things they can do to keep it from getting worse. It is vital to follow a doctor's prescribed treatment plan.
A woman is using an asthma inhaler.
There are several medicines that doctors commonly prescribe to treat asthma.
Essentials oils may be a helpful treatment but people should always consult a doctor before using them. They are not recommended for some patients such as pregnant women.
People should also stay up to date with influenza and pneumonia vaccinations. These illnesses can trigger attacks. Identifying and avoiding things that can possibly trigger asthma attacks is also important. These can include certain foods, pets, and chemicals.
Those with asthma who have been approved to use essential oils can use them to supplement their current treatment. They can be helpful in relieving some asthma symptoms but should be used with caution and extreme care.
People with asthma should always pay attention to their breathing to learn to recognize their asthma attack warning signs. If an attack comes on, they should be sure to treat it immediately. Asthma is dangerous and quick response and treatment could be the difference between life and death.

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