Friday, May 5, 2017

Scientists Think They Know What's Behind Those Mysterious ...

Gizmodo-14 hours ago
After some modeling, scientists think they've got the answer: Pulsars, incredibly dense, rapidly-spinning cores of ancient stars that shoot beams of radiation out ...
Story image for science from HowStuffWorks NOW

Scientists Discover Caterpillar That Actually Eats Plastic

HowStuffWorks NOW-14 hours ago
But scientists in Europe might have stumbled on how to rid the world of this pesky pollution problem — give the cleanup job to a tiny plastic-eating caterpillar.
Story image for science from Grist

Texan science nerd wants to unseat Congress' most despised ...

Grist-16 hours ago
Nevertheless, the 36-year-old native Texan and self-proclaimed “science nerd” now finds himself reentering the political stage, this time running for Congress ...
Story image for science from Miami Herald

Planets soar. Sharks swarm. Lasers sparkle. Humans rejoice. The ...

Miami Herald-16 hours ago
Holy ringed planet, Batman, that new planetarium at the Frost Science museum sure packs a punch! Yes, it's finally here, kids. The long-awaited Phillip and ...
Story image for science from IFLScience

Scientists Finally Unravel Hawaii's Bizarre Origin Story

IFLScience-16 hours ago
The Hawaiian chain of volcanoes is many things: spectacular, incandescent, and – volcanologically speaking – unique. As a new Nature study by the Australian ...
Story image for science from Science News

Internal compass guides fruit fly navigation

Science News-17 hours ago
But the scientists could only theorize how the system worked. In a series of experiments published online May 4 in Science, Kim and his Janelia colleagues ...
Story image for science from Palm Beach Post

3 TO SEE: Youth singers; 'Sleeping Beauty'; science photo exhibit

Palm Beach Post-17 hours ago
It's almost the weekend – time for the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County to share with you the best of what our community has to offer. Each week, you get ...
Story image for science from Science Magazine

Noise pollution is invading even the most protected natural areas

Science Magazine-17 hours ago
The noise maps could help scientists identify key areas to keep quiet, such as critical habitats for endangered species, he adds. “If you're missing noise, you're ...
Story image for science from Salon

Climate scientists unite against New York Times columnist Bret ...

Salon-17 hours ago
There was particular concern that Stephens would import his penchant for climate science denialism into the Times, a fear that was validated when Stephens ...
Story image for science from Reuters

Scientists call for more precision in global warming predictions

Reuters-17 hours ago
The proposal, titled "Unmask temporal trade-offs in climate policy debates," would create a two-digit measurement system the scientists likened to blood ...

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