Friday, May 5, 2017

Collins admits he didn't read health care bill

Buffalo News-10 hours ago
WASHINGTON – Rep. Chris Collins told CNN that he didn't read the entire Republican health care bill that the House passed Thursday. And then he told The ...
Story image for Health care from BuzzFeed News

President Trump Praised Australia's Universal Health Care Right ...

BuzzFeed News-10 hours ago
While answering questions about the House of Representatives vote to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act Thursday, Trump said Australia's health care ...
Story image for Health care from The Hill (blog)

Trump: Australia has better healthcare system than US

The Hill (blog)-10 hours ago
Trump's comments in a meeting with the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull came shortly after the commander in chief praised the GOP healthcare bill ...
Story image for Health care from ABC Online

Donald Trump: What we know about the Republicans' 'great plan' to ...

ABC Online-10 hours ago
However, the American Health Care Act — which comes in the wake of a failed effort to "repeal and replace Obamacare" in March — must still be approved by ...
Story image for Health care from Los Angeles Times

California's Republicans all voted yes on the healthcare bill. Now ...

Los Angeles Times-10 hours ago
The American Health Care Act, which government estimates have said could lead to 24 million fewer Americans with health insurance and could substantially ...
Story image for Health care from The Hill

Trump: GOP healthcare bill 'could change a little bit'

The Hill-11 hours ago
President Trump admitted Thursday the House Republican healthcare bill could “change a little bit” as it goes to the Senate for a vote. "It could change a little bit ...
Story image for Health care from WVTM13

President Trump celebrates passage of health care bill; Alabama ...

WVTM13-11 hours ago
Flanked by Republican lawmakers in the Rose Garden, Trump called President Barack Obama's health care law a "catastrophe" and called the GOP bill "a great ...
Story image for Health care from

#IAmAPreexistingCondition: US healthcare bill condemned hours ago
The Republican push to replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, ... This could be about to change, as the American Health Care Act bill is ...
Story image for Health care from PBS NewsHour

How health care cost and coverage might change for everyone ...

PBS NewsHour-11 hours ago
House Republicans have pushed through a bill to remake the American health care system in dramatic ways. Lisa Desjardins and Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health ...
Story image for Health care from Wall Street Journal (subscription)

New Health-Care Bill Moved Ahead Without Updated CBO Score

Wall Street Journal (subscription)-11 hours ago
House Republican leaders moved ahead with the vote on their health-care overhaul Thursday without an official estimate of how the latest revisions would ...

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