Friday, May 5, 2017

Celebrities Express Outrage After New Health Care Bill Passes

Huffington post (press release) (blog)-13 hours ago
Celebrities Express Outrage After New Health Care Bill Passes. “Making people die without insurance while the rest of the world enjoys coverage doesn't Make ...
Story image for health from Christian Science Monitor

The values clash behind Republican health-care reform

Christian Science Monitor-13 hours ago
As Republicans look at a health-care system that's imposing ever higher costs on both average Americans and on the federal budget, they argue that principles ...
Story image for health from ABC News

Next steps for GOP health plan: Senate plans to write its own bill

ABC News-14 hours ago
While House Republicans celebrated the passage of their Obamacare replacement bill by busing over to the White House's Rose Garden for a celebratory press ...
Story image for health from

Sport's mental health crisis: Justin Harrison - 'A stranger saved me ... hours ago
Justin Harrison, the former Australia forward, considered suicide during his playing career following the breakdown of his first marriage. Harrison, who is famous ...
Story image for health from Huffington Post

House Health Care Repeal Is Already Dead In The Senate

Huffington Post-14 hours ago
“The Senate will carefully review the House bill, and now we'll go to work on a Senate bill,” said Alexander, who chairs the Health, Education, Labor and ...
Story image for health from Vox

10 senators to watch in the health care debate

Vox-14 hours ago
This is the web version of VoxCare, a daily newsletter from Vox on the latest twists and turns in America's health care debate. Like what you're reading? Sign up ...
Story image for health from CBS News

House health care bill - GOP senators signal they'll make changes

CBS News-14 hours ago
The early reaction from Senate Republicans to the House passage of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) to repeal and replace Obamacare signaled they're ...
Story image for health from NPR

5 Things To Watch As GOP Health Bill Moves To The Senate

NPR-14 hours ago
"Trumpcare" is just a breathtakingly irresponsible piece of legislation that would endanger the health of tens of millions of Americans and break the bank for ...
Story image for health from ABC News

The 20 Republicans who voted against the health care bill

ABC News-14 hours ago
Twenty House Republicans broke with their party to vote against the American Health Care Act's passage Thursday, an effort that failed to produce enough ...
Story image for health from CNN

Health care bill 'shameful,' 'harmful,' medical groups say

CNN-14 hours ago
(CNN) Republicans may be jubilant that revamped health care legislation finally passed the House on Thursday, but many of the professional associations that ...

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