Friday, May 5, 2017

AHCA is a betrayal of all the GOP's promises on health care

Vox-21 hours ago
The American Health Care Act, passed today by the US House of Representatives, is a law that fundamentally does the reverse of what its proponents are ...
Story image for Health care from

LIVE STREAM: American Health Care Act Debate & Vote hours ago
The House of Representatives today is expected to vote on the American Health Care Act, the GOP's Obamacare's replacement. Members of Congress are ...
Story image for Health care from Fortune

Watch Live: House Votes on New Health Care Bill to Repeal ...

Fortune-21 hours ago
The House of Representatives is set to vote on a new health care bill Thursday that will repeal and replace former President Barack Obama's Affordable Care ...
Story image for Health care from Axios

What to know about today's House health care vote

Axios-21 hours ago
It looks like the House Republican health care bill may be coming back to life after all. And if the leadership is this close to having 216 votes, they may well get ...
Story image for Health care from CNBC

Op-Ed: The GOP is giving in to fear on health-care reform—and it's ...

CNBC-21 hours ago
"So what's the health care and health insurance industry's incentive to keep premiums,fees for service, and vital drug prices for these patients down? Not much.
Story image for Health care from Business Insider

Here are the major changes to the GOP healthcare bill

Business Insider-21 hours ago
The House of Representatives voted Thursday to pass the American Health Care Act, the GOP plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. The first version of the ...
Story image for Health care from Fortune

Healthcare Startups Getting Hyped

Fortune-21 hours ago
Wednesday morning at Brainstorm Health I hosted a vibrant roundtable discussion that asked where the smart money is going in healthcare IT and related fields.
Story image for Health care from Wall Street Journal (subscription)

Assessing the Impact of the House GOP Health Bill

Wall Street Journal (subscription)-21 hours ago
Many people who obtain health insurance through their employers—about half of the country—could be at risk of losing protections that limit out-of-pocket costs ...
Story image for Health care from CNBC

Here's what we know about the health-care bill the House is about to ...

CNBC-21 hours ago
The GOP thinks it has enough support to pass the American Health Care Act, an amended version of the proposal that failed dramatically in March in the face of ...
Story image for Health care from CNN

How the GOP Health-Care Bill Would Affect You

Wall Street Journal (subscription)-22 hours ago
The Republican proposal to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, which passed the House on Thursday, would bring big changes to health-care coverage for many ...

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